“My patients love the consistency of it,” Ross explains. “Even the patients who are not big on yogurt or milk products overwhelmingly seem to like Greek yogurt.” Greek yogurt’s thick consistency comes from straining it to remove liquid whey. This process increases the amount of protein per serving and removes some of the carbohydrates, which people with diabetes must watch carefully. “For folks with diabetes, the lower carbs are a plus,” Ross notes. “You can work in the yogurt for a snack without having to account for so many carbohydrates.” The increased protein can also help you feel that you’ve had a more substantial snack, so you’ll feel more satisfied and won’t be hungry for something else quite so quickly. “In terms of promoting satiety and helping people feel full, it’s great,” Ross says. And starting your day with Greek yogurt may even help you manage your blood sugar throughout the day. Eating low-GI foods for breakfast helps prevent blood-sugar spikes later on, one recent study found.

How to Find the Right Greek Yogurt 

Of course, not all Greek yogurts are created equal. With many brands and flavors on the market, it’s important to read nutrition labels carefully to find one that will work with a diabetes-friendly diet. Carbohydrate content is the most important item to look for on the nutrition label of Greek yogurt, since it accounts for the sugar content that people with diabetes must watch. “The best choice is always a nonfat version,” Ross says. In terms of flavor, plain varieties also work best over the fruit-filled choices. “If there’s fruit on the bottom, it means there’s going to be more sugar and carbs in it,” Ross warns. “If you really want a flavored yogurt, you can flavor it yourself with fruit at home.” Another alternative is to select vanilla Greek yogurt varieties, which are usually lower in carbohydrates than those with fruit. “My patients feel like they are getting a decadent treat,” Ross says. “It’s almost too good to be true.” To avoid accidentally exceeding your carbohydrate limit, you should also check the label to find out how many servings are in a single package “In some products, one container may be two servings, so you have to be careful,” Ross says.

Healthy and Delicious Ways to Use Greek Yogurt 

Most people with diabetes have anywhere from 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates to “spend” on each meal, and snacks should range from 15 to 30 grams. With many nonfat Greek yogurts weighing in at about 7 to 12 grams of carbohydrates per serving, it’s easy to integrate them into a meal or as a between-meals snack, Ross says. Greek yogurt can also be used in recipes. Ross suggests using plain Greek yogurt in place of sour cream on baked potatoes or in dips; blend in your favorite chopped fresh or dried herbs. You can also try this decadent-tasting dessert: Mix a teaspoon of honey and a handful of chopped walnuts into a single-serving size container of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt. If desired, add in a drop of your favorite extract, such as vanilla or almond, for extra flavor. “This can give you a nice treat without all the carbs you’d get with ice cream or other foods,” Ross says.