Even when you slip up and light up, you have a choice: You can use the relapse as an excuse to continue smoking, or you can try to figure out why you did it and make a renewed attempt at quitting. Try to think of the lapse as a small setback, not a failure. Focus on the time you’ve spent not smoking, not on the fact that you had one cigarette. And understand that nicotine withdrawal is a strong force to overcome.

How Perception Affects Efforts to Quit Smoking

If your reaction to that one smoke is to consider yourself a failure who is too weak to quit, you’re likely to return to your old cigarette habit, says Douglas Jorenby, PhD, director of clinical services at the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention in Madison. On the other hand, if you react by feeling disappointed in yourself for smoking, but believe that you learned something from the slip, you’re more likely to get back on track quickly. And it’s best to do so right away. The sooner you do, the easier quitting will be. The fewer cigarettes you have, the less your body will readjust to nicotine. Almost all regular smokers experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit. Picking up a cigarette prolongs the withdrawal process. Nicotine is highly addictive. It creates physical as well as psychological dependence, and that’s why it’s so hard to quit. Very few people are able to quit on the first try. According to the American Cancer Society, most people relapse many times before they quit smoking. So look at it this way: You’ve got a lot of company.

Use the Slip as a Learning Experience

Think about your past attempts at quitting. What was helpful? What made it difficult? What was the trigger that prompted you to pick up a cigarette again? Once you’ve identified it, make a plan for handling it in the future. Learn from your slip, so that you’ll be better prepared next time. This may also be a good time to rethink your quitting strategy. Consider trying a nicotine replacement therapy or joining a quit-smoking program, for instance. Negative emotions like depression, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed are among the biggest contributors to relapse, says Jorenby. A counselor, a support group or treatment program, or a telephone support line can help you learn coping skills such as how to address negative feelings, rather than masking them with a cigarette.

Beware of Rationalizations That Justify Smoking

Have you found yourself saying “I’ll just have one”? If so, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to stop there. One cigarette may seem harmless, but it can quickly lead to resuming your regular smoking habit, even if you’ve gone a long time without smoking. Nine out of 10 people return to smoking after having just one cigarette. And as Jorenby points out, this usually happens fairly quickly.

Think of the Positives of Not Smoking

If you’ve been smoking for a long time, you may find yourself thinking “What’s the use of quitting now?” Remind yourself of the benefits of quitting:

You’ll be able to breathe more easilyYour senses of taste and smell will improve, making food taste betterYou’ll cough lessYou’re likely to have more energyYou’ll lower your risk of lung and other cancers, as well as heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, and emphysemaYou can add years to your life

There are other benefits, too. Your loved ones won’t be exposed to as much secondhand smoke and you’ll be setting a good example for them. Last but not least, think of all the money you’ll save when you’re not buying cigarettes. Nicotine withdrawal is one of the toughest challenges you’ll ever face. Keep a positive outlook, and take it one day at a time.