Read on to learn about the possible health benefits of lavender, as well as other uses and potential risks that come with using the herb.

What Exactly Is Lavender?

Lavender is a flowering plant in the mint family that’s easily identified by its sweet floral scent. It’s believed to be native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India, with a history dating as far back as 2,500 years. (1) In ancient times, lavender was used as a holy herb. Additionally, it was often used to freshen up and give a light scent to a variety of personal items, such as clothes and hair. (1)

May Help Improve Sleep

Insomnia is a nagging problem that keeps you tossing and turning throughout the night. Cutting out caffeine and getting more exercise might help induce sleep. But sometimes these efforts and other remedies don’t work. As a result, you end up a groggy mess in the daytime. If you’re willing to try anything for a restful night’s sleep, a 2017 study of 60 participants found lavender essential oil to be an effective remedy in improving the sleep quality of intensive care unit (ICU) patients who had difficulty sleeping. (2) So if you’ve tried other sleep remedies to no avail, place a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow before going to sleep tonight. Just be sure not to ingest it, or any other essential oil, for that matter, as doing so may pose health risks.

Could Help Treat Skin Blemishes

A variety of essential oils are also excellent for dermatology use, including lavender. In fact, if you have acne, eczema, or skin inflammation, applying lavender oil to affected areas may play a role in treating blemishes and easing inflammation, according to a 2017 paper, but more rigorous clinical trials are needed. (3) Applying essential oil directly on the skin can cause irritation, so it is best to dilute them with water or a carrier oil. The antioxidant activity of lavender may also contribute to wound healing. (3) Just be sure to check with your dermatologist before adding lavender to your skin-care regimen, to ensure it won’t interact with any of the medication you’re currently taking.

May Offer a Natural Remedy for Pain

Some people reach for over-the-counter pain relievers when dealing with acute or chronic pain. And depending on the severity of pain, you might seek a prescription from your doctor. Before going the traditional route to help ease pain, try aromatherapy with 2 percent lavender essential oil that is diluted in water. A small 2014 study found lavender to be an effective remedy for postoperative pain. It can function as a pain reliever because the oil contains linalyl acetate and linalool — anti-inflammatory components that are found in many essential oils. (4,5) A 2021 study found that lavender oil harvested at the beginning of the plant’s flowering period worked as a potent inhibitor of several kinds of inflammation-causing molecules. (6) Meanwhile, other research suggests lavender aromatherapy may be used during labor to reduce the intensity, though not the duration of, pain. (7)

Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Chronic high blood pressure puts added stress on the heart, increasing the risk of health complications like stroke and heart attack. But a small 2017 study found that when 40 people inhaled diluted lavender essential oil after open-heart surgery, they reduced their blood pressure and heart rate, suggesting the oil had a positive effect on their vital signs. (8) Yet the authors note more research is needed on this possible benefit — namely, a randomized controlled trial, the gold standard for medical research, with a larger sample size.

Could Relieve Asthma Symptoms

Because of the anti-inflammatory effects of lavender, it may also improve bronchial asthma. A 2014 study on mice found that lavender essential oil had a positive impact on respiratory health, relieving allergic inflammation and mucus hyperplasia. Whether the same effect would be seen in humans remains unclear. (9)

Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes

Hot flashes (or hot flushes) are a common menopause symptom that affects many women. It causes a sudden feeling of heat over the body, and it can make the face flushed and trigger perspiration. But lavender aromatherapy for 20 minutes twice a day may help reduce menopause flashing and improve quality of life, according to a 2016 study. (10)

Help Combat Fungus Growth

There are also a number of studies highlighting the potential antifungal activity of lavender. Studies suggest lavender essential oil may be effective in inhibiting the growth of certain types of fungus, such as C. albicans. The oil could also act as a remedy for treating athlete’s foot and ringworm, which are also caused by fungus, according to previous research. (11,12)

Potentially Promotes Hair Growth

In yet another study, lavender essential oil applied to the backs of mice once a day, five times a week, for four weeks, resulted in an increase in the number of hair follicles and a thicker dermal layer. This leads researchers to believe that lavender could potentially be used as a hair growth-promoting agent, though more research is needed. After all, you aren’t a mouse. (13) The good news is that lavender may help lift the black cloud hanging over your head and give your mental outlook a much-needed pick-me-up. There’s plenty of research that suggests lavender has positive effects on mood, stress, anxiety, and depression. For example, a 2018 randomized controlled trial found that premenstrual syndrome symptoms improved in women who inhaled lavender essential oil. (14) They experienced lower anxiety, depression, and nervousness. Likewise, a 2017 randomized controlled trial found that reflexology massage treatments with lavender essential oil offered psychological benefits, decreasing both anxiety and depression. (15) Lavender Oil Nectar extracted from the flowering plant is used to create a fragrant oil. Once diluted, the oil can be massaged into the skin, placed in a diffuser, or applied to a pillow or cotton swab and inhaled for aromatherapy. Lavender Plant This is a sweetly scented perennial plant. It adds color to a garden and gives off a sweet aroma. (1) Lavender Capsules or Supplements You can also purchase lavender as a supplement in capsule form. Take as directed for medicinal benefits — just be sure to work with your healthcare provider to ensure the supplement won’t have negative interactions with any medication you’re taking. Also, know that supplements aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Lavender Tea This form of lavender can offer a calming beverage that helps ease anxiety and promotes sleep. You can purchase lavender tea, or make your own by steeping fresh lavender buds in boiling water for about 15 to 20 minutes. (16,17) Lavandula stoechas is used for antimicrobial and respiratory concerns, but it should be used under the care of a trained professional. To help with nervousness, headaches, insomnia, menstrual cramps, or respiratory problems, you can select Lavandula angustifolia. (18) On the other hand, Lavandula latifolia can help with headaches, respiratory issues, inflammation, bug bites, and muscular or joint pain. However, it should be avoided by children and pregnant women because of its high camphor content. (18) Fortunately, you don’t have to remember these specific details when shopping for lavender. The product label should tell you exactly how to use the oil or supplement, and the health benefits of that particular type of lavender. Also, be sure to look for 100 percent pure, therapeutic-grade lavender when using the herb for medicinal purposes. When you buy lavender essential oil, proper storage is important for maintaining the shelf life of the herb. (19) For lavender essential oil, make sure you close the bottle after each use and keep the product stored in a cool, dry place. (19) The same applies for lavender supplements or capsules. Discontinue use once the supplement expires. Ideally, you should allow about 2 to 3 feet between each plant, and don’t plant in areas that receive a lot of moisture. This is a low-maintenance plant, so you only need to water it about once or twice a week as the plants start to grow, and then slowly cut that back, watering every two to three weeks. (20) Begin harvesting when about half of the buds open. Cut the stems long for easy bundling, and then place the lavender bundles in a cool, dark place to dry. (20) Also, you can place lavender in different areas around the house to help freshen the smell of a stale room. This can include the laundry room, the garage, and closets. Or use a little bit of the diluted essential oil on your finger and place some of the oil around your neck for a natural perfume. (16) You’ll find that lavender is also an ingredient in some soaps, lotions, and body washes. These products can leave your skin moisturized and promote a calm, relaxing feeling after bathing. (16) Surprisingly, dried culinary lavender can also be used in recipes. Experiment with the herb yourself and make a beet salad with honey-lavender dressing or lavender-lemon crinkle cookies. For example, you shouldn’t drink lavender oil because it can be poisonous when ingested. Symptoms of poisoning can include difficulty breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you prefer taking lavender orally, make sure you buy lavender supplements and take as directed. (22) Keep in mind that some people are sensitive to lavender, and may experience an upset stomach, joint pain, or a headache after using. (22) Although lavender is okay on the skin, there’s the risk of an allergic reaction or skin irritation. Signs of a reaction include bumps, redness, or a burning sensation. Stop using if you have signs of sensitivity or a reaction. There’s also evidence of repeated lavender use causing a rare condition called prepubertal gynecomastia, which is enlarged breast tissue in boys prior to puberty. (23) A: Lavender can be planted in different regions, but some plants don’t thrive in humid climates. Lavender tends to grow best in the West. The best time to plant lavender is in the spring to ensure the plants become strong before winter. (20) Q: What is the symbolic meaning of lavender? A: Lavender flowers are purple in color, and the color purple has been used as a symbol of royalty and elegance. Lavender flowers are also associated with serenity, calmness, and purity. (16) Q: What can lavender be used for? A: Lavender can be used for potential medicinal and therapeutic purposes — insomnia, acne, depression, anxiety, hair loss, high blood pressure, and pain. It can also function as a natural fragrance, and some recipes call for the buds and flowers of lavender plants. (2,3,4,5) Q: What does lavender repel? A: Lavender can deter certain household pests, such as moths, flies, mosquitoes, and fleas. Keep a bouquet of lavender on your front or back porch to repel unwanted guests. (21) Q: Is lavender toxic to humans? A: When used for aromatherapy, lavender oil is not dangerous or toxic. But ingesting the oil can cause unpleasant symptoms, like diarrhea, vomiting, and breathing difficulty. Still, lavender capsules may be safe to take orally. Just be sure to clear it with your healthcare provider first. (22)

What Are the Possible Benefits of Lavender  The Must Know Facts About the Therapeutic Plant - 30What Are the Possible Benefits of Lavender  The Must Know Facts About the Therapeutic Plant - 37