But one place where people with hyperhidrosis can feel especially uncomfortable is at work. Most workplaces have unique pressures — from performance expectations, to critical coworkers, to the needs of clients and customers. Many people experience stress or anxiety in the workplace, which is a common trigger for excessive sweating. “It’s a hard thing to manage all the time,” says Deepti Gupta, MD, a dermatologist and assistant professor at the University of Washington Medical School in Seattle. “Even in the best cases where you can manage work stress, you’re probably still going to experience some episodes of hyperhidrosis.” And the fear of sweating excessively at work can serve as a trigger for anxiety — which can lead to more sweating, creating a vicious cycle. Getting medical treatment for your hyperhidrosis can help break this cycle, says Dr. Gupta. But there are also some steps you can take on your own to help reduce and manage excessive sweating at work. Start with these strategies.

1. Dress in breathable fabrics and layers.

Wearing layers of clothing at work can serve various different purposes. First, it can let you remove or add layers as needed to stay comfortable — regardless of the temperature in different environments you may encounter. Second, certain layering strategies — such as “wearing an undershirt under your work shirt to help absorb some sweat” can help minimize the appearance of sweating, according to Gupta. The types of clothing that are best for layering can vary depending on your tastes and the details of your workplace but may include light and breathable jackets, cardigans, zip-up sweaters, blazers, scarves, or shawls.

2. Don’t cause unnecessary stress for yourself.

Stress is a common hyperhidrosis trigger and can be inescapable at work — but taking certain steps can help you avoid adding unnecessary stress to your day. For example, leave plenty of time to travel to work so that you don’t have to worry about being late. When possible, try to stay out of workplace drama or any other situations at work that might make you nervous. And don’t put extra performance pressure on yourself if you can help it. You can’t avoid all stress at work, Gupta notes — especially if your job involves being put on the spot, “like when you’re giving a talk or attending a meeting.” But be sure to take steps to control what you can.

3. Keep an extra set of clothes handy.

Keeping an extra set of clothes at the office can be a lifesaver when your outfit gets unusually sweaty — especially if you work in a professional environment where appearances matter. An increased episode of sweating at work can come unexpectedly, Gupta says, so it’s a good idea to always have a backup ready. But if you know you’ll be in a situation that makes sweating especially likely — such as a presentation, or a meeting in a stuffy conference room — bring a change of clothes that day. Another thing to keep in mind, says Gupta, is that “certain colors of clothing don’t show sweat as much,” such as darker and patterned fabrics.

4. Try meditating throughout the day.

“Sometimes with excessive sweating, you get anxious about it, and that drives your heart rate up and fuels the process,” says Gupta. Practicing meditation and other mindfulness techniques can help disrupt this process, giving both your mind and your body a chance to cool down. If your job allows for it, consider taking short breaks — at your desk or anywhere you can escape for a moment — and listen to a guided meditation or relaxation exercise, or just sit and focus on deep breathing.

5. Keep cool when you can.

Not everyone has control over their workplace temperature, but there may be steps you can take to stay cool, such as keeping a fan going at your desk. If you work in a shared space that’s stuffy or unventilated, consider asking your coworkers if they’d like a cooler temperature or more air movement — and talk to your supervisor about ways to make it happen.

6. Pay attention to your diet.

According to Gupta, there isn’t much data to support broad dietary recommendations to reduce sweating — but if you believe eating a certain food contributes to your sweating, it’s best to avoid it at work. This is where keeping a food and symptom journal can be helpful, allowing you to spot any patterns that emerge over time. For example, many people find that eating spicy foods contributes to increased sweating, while others don’t experience this correlation.

7. Keep supplies for sweat reduction and cleanup.

It’s a good idea to keep towels handy at work in several different sizes for different tasks — such as wiping your forehead, drying off your torso underneath your shirt, or putting on a chair when you sit down. You may also want to keep deodorant or antiperspirant at work if you find that applying it more often helps. But Gupta warns that many antiperspirants work best when they’re applied to clean, dry skin, so if you’re already sweating, don’t assume that more applications will help.

8. Try out fixes for social interactions.

Social situations at work — like greeting important clients or difficult customers, or giving a presentation or training — can be some of the biggest causes of stress-related sweating. Changing how you approach some of these interactions may be helpful. For example, ask if you can give a presentation sitting around a table with your audience, rather than standing in front of the room. Or if your job involves handshakes, “and you know that your hands are one area that sweats, try to alter your greeting so that you’re in the most comfortable situation,” suggests Gupta. Or if you can’t avoid a handshake without appearing rude, try keeping a small towel in your pocket to make sure your hand is as dry as possible. Each of these strategies may not seem like they’d make a big difference on their own, but they can add up to help you stay dry — and confident — at work.