“Are you one of Jerry’s kids?” was asked of me on more occasions than I care to remember, in reference to comedian Jerry Lewis and his work as national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. MS awareness has, thankfully, come a long way, but people still have misconceptions and make mistakes about what this disease is all about.

Some Symptoms of MS Are More Apparent Than Others

It’s not really surprising. The physical manifestations of the disease are the symptoms which are most obvious — or at least visible — to those we meet as we go about our lives. For me, my use of a walking stick (cane) is my most obvious MS tell. When my foot drop is acting up, or I’m experiencing weakness in my right arm or hand, that’s another opportunity for people to mistake my neurological condition for a muscular one. RELATED: When MS Has You Down, Try a Little Tenderness

The Shape of My Body Tells an MS Tale

MS is not a disease of the muscles, but our muscles can take significant collateral damage nonetheless. If I look at myself in a full-length mirror (something I avoid as much as possible!), I can see the results of nearly 20 years of compensating for weakened limbs. My right arm and leg are far stronger than my left. The calf muscles on my right leg measure a full inch larger, thanks to the extra work they do. However, the hip on my left side is far stronger than my right hip, as my left hip has had to compensate for all the weakness of the affected limb below it. The differences in strength were once far more extreme and, it might be said, far more dangerous. Allowing muscles that don’t get the proper signals from our compromised central nervous system to atrophy and waste away for lack of use can make balance problems more pronounced. This, in turn, can lead to falls, injuries, and further disuse. Strengthening the muscles over which we have some control, even if just a limited amount, can be a challenge — but it’s not impossible.

It Can Be Difficult to Find a Physical Therapist, But It’s Worth It

With the help of both specialized and simple equipment, and aided by a knowledgeable physical therapist, we can regain some of the strength and range of motion lost due to our faulty wiring. It has been my experience that many (if not most) personal trainers employed at fitness gyms can be lacking in their understanding as to what a person with MS may need in the way of exercise and assistance. However, there are some who have educated themselves — or received formal training — about working with clients living with various disabilities, and they understand that not everyone can simply power through a workout to make themselves stronger. On the whole, I have found that taking a few sessions with a physical therapist who is understanding of my disease and my limitations has been well worth the investment in time and money.

Even a Little Effort Can Help Maintain Our Muscles

Many of us will find it difficult to do the kind of workout we could once fit into our normal routine. I understand that. But if we are able to put even a little effort into maintaining our muscles, from stretching to resistance training, it may help us retain some of the strength and ability MS would gladly take from us if we offered it up without a fight. This disease has taken enough from us. There’s no need to hand it something that is within our ability to hold onto (for at least another while). Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis