Just 15 to 20 minutes a day of gentle stretching, deep breathing, and meditation can make a difference in easing psoriatic arthritis symptoms. An analysis of 15 studies published in Biological Research for Nursing in March 2019 found that people with chronic inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, reap benefits from yoga. Yoga strengthens muscles and maintains flexibility, says Emily Fiocchi, a yoga instructor and certified physical therapy assistant at Geisinger HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital in Danville, Pennsylvania. Holistic treatments such as yoga have also been shown to reduce pain and improve range of motion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, says Sasha Bernatsky, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist at McGill University Health Centre in Montreal. “The same likely applies to psoriatic arthritis,” she says. RELATED: 5 Mind-Body Techniques to Help Manage Psoriatic Arthritis Of course, some people with psoriatic arthritis may find yoga intimidating, Fiocchi says. But there’s no need to try headstands or twist yourself into a pretzel. Many traditional poses can be modified so they’re safe for people with psoriatic arthritis, making yoga a great alternative therapy, she says. Still, you should talk with your doctor before starting any psoriatic arthritis exercise program. It’s also important to remember to warm up and cool down before and after you do any kind of exercise — even the simple routine below, the National Psoriasis Foundation advises. Once you’ve gotten the go-ahead from your medical team, try these six poses, modified specifically for people with psoriatic arthritis. Lie on your back on a mat or folded towel with your legs straight out. Place a yoga strap behind your right thigh. (If you don’t have a strap, you can use a belt or a long towel.) Bring your bent knee up toward your chest on an exhale. Inhale as you slowly straighten your leg, then exhale as you bend the knee. Work slowly with awareness as you tighten the front thigh muscles each time. “Do as many repetitions as your body says is okay that day,” Fiocchi says. Then repeat with your other leg.

2. For Lower Back and Hips: Reclining Spinal Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)

This pose is good for stretching your hips and lower back while strengthening your abdominal muscles. Lie on your back and slowly bend your knees. Keeping your inner thighs together, allow your knees to fall together to one side, then back to center, then to the other side, inhaling as your legs come back to center and exhaling as your knees go to one side. “It’s important to coordinate your breath with your movement,” notes Fiocchi. As you gently move your lower body from side to side, stay in the moment; think of the exercise as a moving meditation, which can help you clear your head and tamp down stress. “Stress relief,” says Dr. Bernatsky, “is an important part of arthritis pain management.” RELATED: How Psoriatic Arthritis Causes Back Pain — and What to Do About It

3. For Flexibility in the Lower Body: Single Knee to Chest (Pavanamuktasana)

“This posture releases back tension, encourages gastrointestinal movement, and maintains flexibility in the knee and hip joints,” Fiocchi says. Lying on your back, loop a strap (or use your intertwined hands) around the back of your thigh for support, then draw one bent knee toward your chest and abdomen with your opposite leg extended on the floor. Keep the pelvis level and hold the thigh securely without straining, breathing evenly and deeply. Draw your focus to your lower back as you press it and your straightened leg firmly to the floor.

4. For All-Over Strengthening and Stretching: Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana 1)

“This pose helps bring mobility to your knees and strengthens your thighs, hips, and shoulders while stretching the front of the hip,” Fiocchi says. Start by taking a long step forward with one leg, keeping your front knee bent; then, inhale and reach your arms over your head toward the ceiling. For good alignment, make sure your front bent knee is over your ankle but not reaching beyond. Challenge yourself and hold the posture for as long as feels comfortable, then inhale as you straighten up again. Repeat with the opposite leg. If balancing feels tricky, shorten the distance between your two feet. “And don’t be afraid to hold onto the back of a chair for support if you need to,” says Fiocchi. Repeat as many times as is comfortable.

5. For Flexibility in Hips, Knees, and Shoulders: Modified Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Place both hands apart on the back of a sturdy chair, stepping both legs back so they are parallel and hip-width apart. Straighten your knees by pressing heels to the floor, tipping your tailbone up toward the ceiling. With your arms outstretched and still on the chair, relax and breathe deeply, slowly releasing your head between your arms and letting yourself bend at the hip joints. “This pose takes the weight off your lower limbs,” says Fiocchi. Be sure to exhale as you come into the pose and inhale as you straighten up.

6. For Flexible Hands and Wrists

This pose opens up the spaces between the joints, stretching and strengthening your hand muscles, according to Fiocchi. Start by sitting comfortably in a chair with your feet on the floor. Rest your elbows on the armrests of the chair or in your lap so there is no weight on your arms. With your palms up, make circles with your wrists, flipping your hands so your palms are facing your lap as you exhale, then inhale as you rotate your hands so your palms face the ceiling, and repeat. Next, work your fingertips down toward the floor and up to the ceiling, keeping your elbows bent. Continue for as long as feels comfortable. RELATED: 11 Easy Hand and Foot Exercises for Psoriatic Arthritis If you want to add to the challenge and try doing yoga in person, be sure tell your instructor about any limitations you may have. A good rule of thumb wherever you work out: “If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it,” Fiocchi says.