Inflammatory activity can surge at night because of your body’s circadian rhythms. Plus, the lack of movement while you sleep can contribute to the pain and discomfort you wake up to. Making a few simple tweaks to your morning routine can help you start each day with less pain and more fluidity. Start by adopting these habits to ease psoriatic arthritis morning stiffness.

1. Set an Early Alarm

Depending on the severity of symptoms, most people who have psoriatic arthritis need a little extra time to get their bodies going in the morning. “Give yourself at least 15 extra minutes to ease into your day,” says Carole Dodge, OT, occupational therapy supervisor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “If you rush, you give your body less time to warm up, which can make pain and stiffness worse.” Starting the day more slowly can also lead to less pain at the end of the day, because you aren’t overtaxing yourself straight out of the gate. “If your pain level can be a two instead of a six, that’s preferable,” says Dodge.

2. Take Time to Stretch

Making time for just a few minutes of easy, gentle stretches each morning can help loosen stiff muscles and joints. “I often recommend hand flexibility exercises and simple yoga poses, such as sun salutation,” says Dodge. In terms of intensity, says Dodge, you should feel a gentle pull in your muscles when you stretch, but if you feel muscle pain, you’re overdoing it. Talk to your doctor about the best morning stretch routine for you.

3. Take a Warm Shower

According to the Arthritis Foundation, heat treatments — showers, baths, heating pads — soothe stiff joints and muscles by improving circulation throughout the body. But Dodge cautions against making temperatures too hot, which may worsen dry, itchy skin. If you prefer baths over showers, consider adding sea salt, oatmeal, or a bath gel containing coal tar to both soothe and moisturize your skin, especially if you also have psoriasis.

4. Use a Dressing Stick

Getting dressed in the morning can be a huge hurdle when you wake up with stiff, sore joints. A dressing stick — a stick with a double hook on the end — can help save you from extra bending or having to extend your arms. It can be used to help you put on your shoes, shirt, and pants. And if you have trouble grasping with your fingers, it can also help you pull zippers up.

5. Brush With an Electric Toothbrush

If you have psoriatic arthritis, pay attention to your oral health. A study published in 2020 in the journal Expert Review Clinical Immunology found that psoriatic arthritis is linked to periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory condition that may result in early tooth loss. Using an electric toothbrush makes prioritizing oral health easier by eliminating the need for manual back-and-forth movement, which prevents discomfort while brushing. Fit a tennis ball over the handle or slide a piece of foam tubing over it to give yourself a better grip.

6. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytochemicals can help your body fight inflammation, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Look for breakfast cereals that contain flaxseed or walnuts, which both have high concentrations of omega-3s. Research has found that people who have psoriatic arthritis often lack vitamin D, so shop for milk and juice that are fortified with this essential vitamin.

7. Take Your Medication at the Same Time Every Day

When it comes to following your treatment plan, consistency is important. Start by taking any daily medications when you wake up each morning. “It makes things easier, because taking your medication becomes part of your daily routine [rather] than a chore or something you have to remember,” says Dodge. Some medications should not be taken on an empty stomach. Ask your doctor if it’s better to take any of your prescribed medications later in the day. Additional reporting by Nina Wasserman.