“Having psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis by itself should not increase your risk of developing COVID-19,” says Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. But, Dr. Zeichner adds, “If you are taking a biologic, it is important that you take protective measures to avoid coronavirus exposure, as these medications have immunosuppressive effects.” How can you stay safe? Follow these tips. RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus

1. Stay on Your Medications

Some people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis take biologic drugs to treat the disease. Biologic medications are treatments derived from living organisms, such as bacteria cultured in a laboratory. “These medications target specific messengers in the immune system that lead to inflammation throughout the body,” Zeichner explains. For people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, biologics work by suppressing the immune system response that causes inflammation and plaques. While Zeichner says there isn’t enough data to support discontinuing these medications during the pandemic, people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis should touch base with their dermatologists if they have any concerns. The National Psoriasis Foundation medical board “does not recommend that all patients stop biologic therapy,” according to a statement addressing COVID-19 concerns. But the board does advise people in high-risk groups (those who are over age 60, smoke, or have chronic medical conditions such as lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer) to talk to their healthcare providers about whether to continue or alter therapy. The board recommends that people who test positive for COVID-19 stop taking biologics. RELATED: How I’m Managing My Psoriasis in the Shadow of the Coronavirus

2. Keep Your Skin Healthy

Can open cracks or plaques on the hands increase the risk of becoming infected with coronavirus? Probably not. According to Zeichner, “COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets coming in contact with mucous membranes, like the lips.” Still, that’s no reason to slack off on your skin-care regimen. “It is important to moisturize the entire body and to locally treat individual plaques with your topical medications,” says Zeichner. “This is a time to be vigilant in sticking to your prescribed regimen, whether for psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.”

3. Use Gentle Soap and Moisturizer

Frequent hand-washing is vital for preventing the spread of coronavirus, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), but it can result in dry skin. Zeichner suggests that rather than true soap, people with psoriatic disease choose hydrating cleansing washes or synthetic detergent (called “syndet”) bars. “These contain gentle cleansing ingredients known as surfactants that will not disrupt the outer skin layer,” he says. “True soaps have an alkaline pH that can lead to skin irritation.” Zeichner also tells his patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis to look for moisturizers that contain ingredients like purified petrolatum, ceramides, or oat extract. “These ingredients form a breathable, protective seal over the skin to keep hydration in and irritants and infections out,” he says. RELATED: 9 Psoriasis Do’s and Don’ts

4. Use Social Distancing

“Social distancing is the most powerful tool we have to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” Zeichner says. “As we don’t yet have a vaccine and we aren’t immune, our best defense right now is to minimize infection.” Zeichner adds, “This is the most important in our patients who have underlying heart and lung issues, the elderly, and those who are otherwise sick or immune-compromised.” RELATED: Preventing Coronavirus Exposure When You Have Psoriasis and Eczema 

5. Wear a Face Mask

If you must leave your house, wear a cloth face covering, according to the CDC. These can be made at home from low-cost fabrics, or use cloth bandanas or scarves from your closet. Tampa, Florida–based rheumatologist Harris McIlwain, MD, recommends finding a material that is dense enough to protect against viral particles but breathable enough to prevent moisture or perspiration from irritating the face. “Most importantly, take the mask off immediately when you get home and gently wash your hands and face, patting them dry to avoid irritation and then lathering with your recommended moisturizer,” Dr. McIlwain says. RELATED: When Psoriasis Affects Your Face

6. Take Advantage of Telemedicine

Telemedicine, or telehealth, is a broad category that also includes the terms “e-health,” “mobile health,” and “connected health.” This form of communication is used by many healthcare professionals, especially with the current stay-at-home orders preventing nonessential in-person appointments. Using telemedicine, McIlwain, Zeichner, and thousands of doctors are seeing patients through video visits. Technology allows doctors to provide routine and acute medical care while you stay in the safety of your own home. They can talk with you about your condition, make a diagnosis, and write or call in a prescription that you can pick up at your pharmacy’s drive-through window. RELATED: Could Technology Make Your Living Room a Virtual Hospital and Pharmacy?

7. Use Stress-Reduction Tools

Reducing stress may be easier said than done in the midst of a pandemic. But stress worsens itchiness, according to the Mayo Clinic, while McIlwain warns that it can exacerbate psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis flares. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends managing stress with meditation or exercise, as both are proven to clear the mind, improve sleep, and decrease anxiety. Try to find what works best for you during this pandemic, and stay well! RELATED: Mind-Body Therapies to Soothe Psoriasis