Taking precautions — both to avoid accidents and the spread of COVID-19 — can help keep you and your loved ones safe and out of the urgent care. Keep reading for expert tips on how to avoid Halloween hazards this year.

Pumpkin Carving Tips

Children should always be closely supervised for any activity that involves sharp tools, says Daniel Bachmann, MD, emergency medicine physician at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. “For very young children, consider having them draw the design and then allowing an adult to actually do the carving, or consider allowing them to paint a design on the pumpkin instead of doing anything that involves cutting,” he suggests. “If you are going to carve your pumpkin, serrated knives generally work better than smooth blades,” says Dr. Bachmann. Your best bet is to buy tools designed specifically for cutting pumpkins, he says. “These work very well and are usually easy to find in most stores this time of year.” The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) suggests carving pumpkins in a clean, dry, and well-lit area, and make sure there is no moisture on the carving tools or your hands that could increase the chances of the knife slipping. If you do cut yourself while carving, apply pressure with a clean cloth and elevate the injured area above the heart, states the AAOS. If bleeding does not stop within 10 to 15 minutes or if the cut is deep, consult your doctor. If you are able to take care of the cut at home, make sure the wound is clean and covered with clean bandages.

Consider Battery Operated Lights

Battery powered lights are the safest option for a jack-o’-lantern or any decoration requiring lighting, says Bachmann. “If using candles or any open-flame source, ensure that there is nothing flammable in the immediate vicinity of the decoration,” he says. Fortunately, fresh pumpkins are not flammable, but take care to avoid using open flames near paper decorations or other flammable materials, says Bachmann.

Costume Safety 101

You can make your or your child’s costume safer by following a few guidelines outlined by the CPSC:

A costume made out of bright fabric is more visible to cars. Reflective tape as a trim for costumes and outerwear is recommended, and a bright flashlight or glow stick can also help light walkways.Polyester or nylon fabric is safer for costumes; sheer cotton and rayon fabrics can burn rapidly if there is contact with an open flame.Baggy or oversized costumes should be avoided or used with care because they can cause trips and falls.If you wear a mask, make sure the eye and nose holes allow for full visibility and adequate breathing. Makeup is a safer alternative.

Avoiding an Allergic Reaction

“Two of my three daughters have peanut allergies, so we avoid chocolates during Halloween and instead pass out gummy candy, such as Starburst and Skittles,” says Daniel Park, MD, medical director of the pediatric emergency department at the UNC Medical Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. “Obviously, we can’t control what others pass out, and so at the end of the night we go through the haul with our girls to ensure we are taking out anything containing peanuts,” says Dr. Park, adding that he and his wife hang onto those treats to eat later (the sacrifices of parenting!). If you are handing out candy, stick to individually wrapped items with ingredient information listed on the packaging or at least common items that can be easily researched for allergen information, says Bachmann. “Only treats with intact wrappers should be consumed. If in doubt, throw it out,” he says. Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) offers the following recommendations for keeping Halloween safe for kids with allergies:

Keep an epinephrine auto-injector available, if prescribed.Enforce a “no eating while trick-or-treating” rule so that you may have time to review food labels and treats.Remember that ingredients or food processing may change — candy that has been safe for your child in the past may now be different. Read the label, every time.

COVID-19 Halloween Precautions

COVID-19 is still a reality in every community — even those that are seeing a decline in cases, says Bachmann. “It is still reasonable to continue the same measures that have been effective thus far: masking, social distancing, and hand hygiene,” he says. If you are outdoors and practicing social distancing, dropping the mask is generally okay, but indoors, keep the mask on, he says. “If you are distributing candy, consider keeping a bowl distanced from you or laying out individual grab bags to minimize the close interactions. Children should refrain from eating candy until they have had a chance to use hand sanitizer or otherwise wash their hands,” says Bachmann.