The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that “older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.” The latter group includes but is not limited to those with chronic lung disease, serious heart conditions, and compromised immune systems. That’s a massive collective of people, and in these uncertain times dominated by self-isolation and stay-at-home orders, it’s reassuring for many of them that they can pick up the phone and reach out to helplines offered by organizations they trust, staffed by dedicated professionals who understand their medical issues, for clarity and reassurance. Most of the organizations Everyday Health spoke with reported increased call volume in March, when the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases spiked domestically. Nearly all of the organizations listed here provide information on their respective websites regarding how to adjust medical care as the pandemic continues, and they encourage those with questions to visit the site or call the helpline with their specific concerns.

Caregiver Action Network

“A big reason that people call into the helpline … is people are looking for someone to talk to,” says Chance Browning, senior director of programs for Caregiver Action Network (855-227-3640), who noted that caregiving on its own can be an isolating experience. “In the time of COVID-19, that’s especially true,” he says.

Cancer Support Community

While callers are still reaching out with their typical concerns, many calls directly involve worries of how the pandemic will affect their unique medical circumstances. “[Cancer] patients, in particular, who are in treatment are in a vulnerable category,” says Kim Thiboldeaux, CEO of Cancer Support Community (888-793-9355), adding that both cancer and cancer treatments can compromise one’s immune system. “These folks are certainly concerned about their well-being.” RELATED: Cancer and COVID-19: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself

Arthritis Foundation

Those with underlying conditions often reach out to helplines such as the Arthritis Foundation with concerns about medication. Nick Turkas, director of help and support for the organization, says some callers want to know if they should stop taking immunosuppressant medication. In one particular case, “we received an email from a patient who could not get a hydroxychloroquine [Plaquenil] prescription filled.” The drug is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and lupus but was cited by President Donald Trump as a potential weapon against the coronavirus. “I expect more to come,” says Turkas.

National Psoriasis Foundation

Fortunately, medication shortages generally appear to be a rare problem. Most organizations report no caller issues in acquiring their medication. Many of these organizations continually have stressed the importance of staying ahead and stocking up, just in case of an emergency. “One of the things we’ve always talked about [with clients] is the importance of working with your healthcare provider to ensure you have an appropriate supply of medication at home, simply so you don’t miss a treatment,” says Leah Howard, COO of the National Psoriasis Foundation (800-723-9166, option 1). “That has long been our message. It continues to be our message, at this point especially,” Howard says.

Parkinson’s Foundation

People with Parkinson’s disease rely on a strict schedule of medication to manage their daily lives. Adolfo Diaz, senior director of patient services with the Parkinson’s Foundation (800-473-4636), says that those with the disease often understand that precise timing of taking their medication is a must. Some have reached out to the organization, wondering what will happen to their regimented schedule if, for example, they contract COVID-19 and must use a ventilator. Diaz points out there are solutions in some cases. “There are some medications that are available transdermal through a patch,” he says, and some that can be delivered through the ventilator when necessary.

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (800- 532-7667, extension 154) reports receiving an increased number of calls having to do with concerns over how COVID-19 will affect the caller. Melissa Young, manager of client services for MSAA, says some callers tell of “fear of being around people or medical staff that may have” coronavirus if they have to travel to a hospital for medication.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (800-950-NAMI [6264]) similarly reports a high number of callers expressing concerns about COVID-19. “Of the callers that mention COVID-19, over 20 percent mention experiencing a high level of anxiety,” says Dawn Brown, NAMI’s director of community engagement. RELATED: How to Handle Anxiety in the Time of COVID-19

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

But stress factors are not limited to medical concerns. Although financial concerns are typically heard by helpline counselors during so-called normal times, many organizations have observed direct links between the coronavirus pandemic and monetary worries. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s MS Navigator Program (800-344-4867), which provides information, resources, and support for those living with multiple sclerosis, has fielded increased calls from those seeking “financial resources and support for food, meal delivery, and help with chore services,” according to Erin Poznanski, vice president of MS Navigator, as many workers are furloughed or laid off because of the pandemic. “MS navigators and case managers are working to connect people to essential services and resources in their communities while also considering how our financial support can help to fill gaps,” she says.

Alzheimer’s Association

Helplines are typically staffed by specialists with expertise in counseling callers to talk out their concerns and in providing the best information they can to help callers make informed decisions or solve problems that arise from living with medical conditions. In the age of COVID-19, even mundane activities can be problematic. Beth Kallmyer, vice president of care and support for the Alzheimer’s Association (800-272-3900), notes the importance of making sure caregivers come up with plans for the people they care for to ensure they protect themselves from coronavirus, especially in terms of washing hands. “We’re suggesting, of course, that [callers] follow guidance from the CDC. But when you have someone with a cognitive impairment, the caregiver is going to have to put some extra steps in place to maintain those hygiene protocols,” says Kallmyer, who oversees the organization’s 24/7 helpline. One thing they do, she says, is “remind them to wash their hands or, maybe, set up a schedule about washing hands. … Putting up signs in the bathroom to maintain those hygiene strategies is something that caregivers have to put a little extra thought into.”

More Organizations That Are Ready to Field Your Call

The patient advocacy organizations mentioned above are just some of the groups with helplines that can help you sort out how best to take care of yourself during this time of crisis and afterward. Here are some others: American Cancer Society: 800-227-2345 American Diabetes Association: 800-342-2383 American Kidney Fund: 866-300-2900 Patient Advocacy Foundation: 800-532-5274 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): 800-662-HELP (4357)