But you don’t have to work out in 30-minute blocks: Three brisk 10-minute walks spaced out through the day will also do the trick. In fact, another, smaller study found that walking just 10 minutes after eating can lower your blood glucose by 22 percent — which is great news for people looking to better control their blood sugar.

Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes: What You Need to Know

So what’s happening when you exercise? Your body uses the glucose in your blood to provide energy to your cells. As a result, your levels can go down as you exercise. You don’t want it to go dangerously low, though, so you may need to pause and have a snack during or immediately after your activity. This is something you’ll learn with experience. Whether it’s walking, riding a bike, exercising at home, going to a gym, or taking part in a class, physical activity affects your blood glucose. So it’s important — especially in the beginning — to test your level before and after exercising. It’s also a good idea to have a snack handy in case your blood glucose falls too low. For every 35 minutes of exercise you engage in, plan to consume 15 grams of carbohydrates to avoid low blood-glucose episodes. If you’re new to exercise, try these lower impact activities:

1. Start a Couch-to-5K Program

Need a goal to get your exercise routine off the ground? Depending on your current fitness level, sign up to walk or jog a 5K race with family and friends. All you need are some comfortable sneakers and workout wear, and 30 minutes of walking or jogging time, and in just 12 weeks you’ll be off the couch and walking or running a 5K! Remember to go at your own pace, and make sure you don’t push yourself too hard. You want to feel challenged after each session — not worn out. Check out our How to Train for a 5K Race in 12 Weeks plan.

2. Get Your 30 Minutes in the Pool

Your community or club pool can be a great place to start your exercise routine. Swimming is excellent aerobic exercise because it gets both your upper and lower body moving. And if you’re overweight, it can feel great to spend time in a pool, where buoyancy makes it easier to move. Some ideas:

Dive in with a group. Try water aerobics, swimming laps with friends, or even a little water volleyball.Use a kickboard for extra lift in the water, especially if you are a less-than-confident lap swimmer.Work on increasing your time spent swimming. Each time you visit the pool, swim a bit more, resting as needed. To steadily improve your aerobic fitness, swim three times a week.

However you decide to fit swimming into your life, be sure to test your blood-glucose levels before and after you exercise, and adjust the intensity of your routine if it is getting too high. And never swim alone.

3. Climb Back on Your Bike

Biking can provide many health benefits, but be sure that your equipment and your course are safe. Here are a few rules of the road:

Inspect your bike to make sure it’s in good condition before you set off. Check the brakes and the chain, and be sure the tires are correctly inflated.Always wear a helmet.Be sure to stay hydrated. Bring plenty of water with you on your bike ride, and remember to drink it.Wear a medical-alert bracelet or necklace that will inform others of your health condition should there be an emergency.

Whatever you decide to do, it’s important to consult with your doctor before you begin. Exercise is a great way to lose weight and maintain a healthy heart, but it also impacts your blood-glucose levels because it increases your energy demands. So you need to monitor how your body will respond. You can keep track of your workouts (and see your improvement over time) by using the activity tracking tool on Everyday Health’s Calorie Counter tool. Next step: Dining Out Guide

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