Along with this increase in the numbers of people living with MS comes a rise in those who want to use fitness and good nutrition to help manage it. And researchers, such as the authors of a paper published in BMC Neurology in September 2017, have found that exercise, nutrition, and attitude can make a difference in your quality of life with MS. One person who has committed to exercising and eating right is the MS fitness warrior Rachel Haddad, 29, who is currently a middle school math teacher in Detroit. Rachel Haddad: I was diagnosed on December 3, 2018. My doctor called me at 7 a.m. and told me to immediately go to the hospital for steroids. He saw around 50 lesions on my MRI. My symptoms initially included both arms being numb and tingly. My balance was also very poor. I had Lhermitte’s sign, a condition where a forward bend in the spine causes an electric-shock-like feeling through the entire body. My right eye was constantly twitching, and the vision in that eye was impaired. I also had foot drop in my right leg, and I was overwhelmed with stress. DL: What motivated you to start working out?  RH: I felt really lost when I was diagnosed. I felt very tired, scared, and that I had lost control of my body. I searched online for answers, and something told me to just keep moving. I didn’t know what to do, but there was a gym in my apartment building, so I took refuge there. I read stories about people who changed their whole lifestyle and began conquering their symptoms, and I knew that I had the power to do the same thing, so I did. I am still navigating my way through this diagnosis, but I find that it is really important to look inside of myself to find the answers and heal myself. Before the diagnosis, I was floating through life without purpose, using a variety of ways to numb the pains of life. Through this diagnosis, I am closer to finding my true self and purpose. I am learning how to live a balanced life with the help of diet, exercise, and a meditation practice. DL: How did you get started on an exercise program? RH: I started doing yoga in my living room right after diagnosis, but I knew I wanted more. I was embarrassed to go to gyms because of my balance issues. I decided I did not want to pay someone to train me and that I was going to train myself. Soon after, I decided to become a certified personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine. As I continued to work out alone in my apartment gym, I gained the confidence and strength to train with others. I then started going to Detroit Body Garage, where I learned a lot about movement and mental strength. DL: How did you stay motivated to continue the program?  RH: I knew that I had a choice, and it was to break down or break out. I decided to break out. I was not going to let this disease take hold of my life. I have options; we all have options. I continue to remind myself that when something isn’t working, to get a new strategy. The strategy of fitness has been the best one yet. I also practice Buddhism, which has helped me to detach from the story line of this disease and accept the truth of what things are. I am healthy, I am strong, I am powerful, and I can do this. DL: Have your symptoms improved since you started a workout routine?   RH: The numbness has disappeared, and the tingles have decreased to my fingertips only. My balance continues to improve along with my vision, foot drop, and Lhermitte’s sign. I believe all these improvements are due to my commitment to a fitness, mental wellness, and nutrition routine. DL: What is the biggest challenge in your workouts?  RH: My biggest challenge when working out is when I am running and my foot drop kicks in. This causes me to trip! Most other challenges that I face are mental. I have to continue being my own biggest advocate and cheerleader. DL: Have there been any times when you wanted to quit or give up?   RH: There have been many times when I wanted to quit. I felt lost and defeated, I wondered “Why me?” But I realized that this is my path and my journey, and I will do whatever it takes to continue living the best life that I can. I take each day one day at a time, because that is all we truly have. DL: What is your current exercise routine? RH: Currently, my routine consists of cardio one to two days a week, weight training three to five times a week, and yoga one to two days a week. I mix it up for a total of six days working out. DL: Have you altered your diet since your diagnosis?  RH: I have altered my diet immensely. First and foremost, I got sober, which was a blessing. I cut out gluten completely and started following a whole-food, plant-based, vegan diet. DL: How has working out changed your life and helped with your MS?   RH: Working out consistently has allowed me to see how strong I truly am, both mentally and physically. My symptoms are almost nonexistent, and I know that it will continue to get better from here. Working out has helped me realize that an MRI does not determine my future. DL: What are you currently involved in to help others with MS in their fitness journey?  RH: Currently, I am active in the MS Fitness Challenge Gym online MS community. I recently got certified as a personal trainer, and I plan to get an MS certification through the MS Fitness Training Specialist course provided by the National Federation of Professional Trainers. I also am currently enrolled in a holistic nutrition certification program, which emphasizes the importance of exercise, and food as medicine. Once I obtain the MS fitness certification, I plan on training clients through a holistic approach of fitness, nutrition, and mind-set. I want to share with people how their mind-set has a huge impact on MS. With the right mind-set, we can achieve anything in life. I want to live by example and show how true this is to others. DL: Do you have any advice for those who want to conquer MS through fitness? RH: My advice would be to change your life and take control of your health. To do this, one must change one’s diet and workout routine. I also advise people to work with a therapist and work on releasing suppressed emotion and increasing positive emotion. Additionally, I would suggest evaluating who you are spending time with. Remove anyone who is toxic and doesn’t support your well-being. Let go of old behaviors and patterns that do not serve you. The biggest piece of advice I have is to radically change your life!