People who have 15 or more migraine attacks each month are said to have chronic migraine.2 Many people have been working from home since the onset of the pandemic or become permanent telecommuters, and video chats with friends and family have also become more commonplace. One side effect of this setup: The bright, glaring light from a computer can trigger migraine attacks. Other possible reasons for worsening migraine attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the September study, include:

Onset of anxiety and/or depressionChanges in eating habitsTrouble sleepingLack of regular exerciseDifficulty getting medications or treatmentsFear of going to the emergency room for immediate treatment

Still, there are ways to practice self-care, even as restrictions around the country lift and you ease back into your normal routine. In the past year, 79 percent of Everyday Health survey respondents made lifestyle changes, including 51 percent who changed their diet or eating habits and 48 percent who made it a point to stay better hydrated. Follow these other tips to help ward off migraine, because your health depends on it.

Call someone. Loneliness can make it harder for people with chronic migraine to manage the condition, according to a study published in June 2020 in the Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. Go for a walk outside with a friend, watch a movie in the park, or host a backyard game night.Sit away from the screen. Working from home? Know that bright lights can trigger migraine. If you work in front of a computer, sit at least a few feet away from the screen, turn down the brightness, and consider using an anti-glare screen, according to The Migraine Trust.7Make time to exercise. Thanks to virtual workouts, fitting in 15 minutes of exercise has never been easier. Subscribe to a virtual class service, such as Daily Burn, or simply do a workout video on YouTube.Eat healthy meals. Foods that may trigger migraine include sugary snacks and food additives, according to The Migraine Trust. Missing meals or snacking at irregular times can also bring on an attack. To stick to a regular, healthy diet — minus the inconvenience of having to run to the grocery store — sign up for a healthy food subscription service, such as Daily Harvest or HelloFresh.Soothe yourself to sleep. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine to fall asleep faster — and sleep sounder. Read a book, take a bath, or listen to a mindfulness app, such as Headspace or Calm. Bonus: These habits can also help you de-stress.

Many people with migraine are getting vaccinated against COVID-19: About 4 in 5 respondents have received at least one dose of the shot. (Approximately 1 in 5 either don’t plan to be vaccinated or haven’t decided yet.)