Still, you don’t have to let a prior stroke stop you. The trick is to be prepared so you can enjoy the journey. These tips will help you get to your destination on time so you can celebrate the holidays with peace of mind.

1. Get Cleared by a Doctor for Travel

Before traveling by plane or car, get your doctor’s okay. Flying at 30,000 feet or driving won’t cause another stroke, but timing matters. If you’ve had a stroke, including a ministroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA), within the last 30 days, you’re at slightly increased risk for having another one, says Thomas Maldonado, MD, professor of surgery at NYU Langone Health in New York City. As the saying goes, “time is brain” when it comes to stroke treatment. Getting to a stroke center quickly for treatment can mean the difference between making a full recovery or not. Before putting yourself in a situation in which you can’t get treatment fast, such as when you’re in flight, make sure you’ve had all necessary tests to determine the cause of the stroke and a solid treatment plan. Overall, there are no one-size-fits-all guidelines for traveling after a stroke. It can depend on where the stroke occurred in your brain, the resulting disabilities or symptoms, the cause, and its severity. “But if you don’t have definitive treatment for the cause of the stroke, you should not travel,” Dr. Maldonado says. Also, don’t do the driving until you’ve received clearance from your doctor as well.

2. Request a Wheelchair if Walking Is Difficult

If a stroke has slowed your walking pace or walking is difficult, request a wheelchair at the airport. “It’s the fastest way to get to the gate,” says Stephanie Mensh, whose husband, Paul Berger, had a stroke more than 30 years ago. The couple runs Stroke Survivor, a site that offers post-stroke life-management guidelines in a quarterly newsletter. Although Berger experienced paralysis on the right side of his body, he can walk slowly now, with the help of a foot brace. But wheelchair assistance helps Berger speed through airport security and beyond quickly. “Over the holidays, there will be lots of people waiting for wheelchair assistance. You may have to wait for a porter,” Mensh says. Be sure to get to the airport plenty early — at least three hours ahead of time. Contact your airline ahead of time to request wheelchair assistance at arrival.

3. Apply for TSA Precheck

If you wear a foot brace like Berger does, walking in stocking feet isn’t safe. TSA Precheck allows you to avoid having to take your shoes off when going through airport security, which can be a lifesaver if wheelchair assistance isn’t available.

4. Bring a Ziplock Bag to Retrieve Pocket Belongings More Easily

If you have limited manual dexterity, a ziplock bag can come in handy. When going through airport security, put your wallet and the contents of your pockets into the ziplock bag, then put the bag on the security belt. It helps you avoid having to retrieve individual items from the bin, which can take extra time.

5. Make Frequent Pit Stops

When traveling by car during high traffic times, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas week, take a route with rest stops, such as a major highway, and plan for breaks at least every two hours. “After a stroke, it can be hard to sit for long periods without using the bathroom,” Mensh says. Build rest stop time into your itinerary.

6. Come Equipped With Mobility Aids

If you require a foot brace or other mobility aids, such as a tub seat for the shower, pack an extra one in case it gets lost or damaged.

7. Stay at a Hotel With Accessible Rooms

“A hotel is easier than staying at someone’s home,” Mensh says. Even if you don’t require a wheelchair, hotels have accessible bathrooms, with grab bars and a shower seat. If there’s no elevator, ask for a room on the ground floor. Hotel architecture can vary widely. Checking out the hotel online before booking can help you decide if the place is right for you.

8. Use a Cane to Help With Walking on Uneven Pavement

Even if you don’t need a cane to get around, consider using one when you’re traveling, especially if a stroke has affected your walking. “A cane helps with balance on uneven pavement. It also gives other people notice, alerting them, for example, that you won’t be able to run when you’re in the crosswalk to get out of the way of an oncoming car,” Mensh says.

9. Don’t Forget Your Medication

Pharmacies can close on major holidays, so make sure you have all of the medication you will need while traveling, plus some extra in case you get delayed or snowed in.

10. Bring a Written Itinerary and Make Copies for Your Travel Party

A stroke can affect memory and processing abilities. But bringing a detailed schedule can make it easier to stay on track. “We type up a travel itinerary by date and time, including all the information about the flights, hotel address and phone, car rental information, confirmation numbers, and anything else important,” Berger says. “We give copies to our families and pet sitter, pack a copy, and each have one in our pockets. I refer to it constantly.”