Most of these infections never cause any symptoms and go away on their own with no treatment, the CDC notes. But if an infection persists, some types of HPV can cause genital warts, and others can cause a variety of types of cancer, including cervical cancer and oropharyngeal cancer (cancer on the back and sides of the throat, tonsils, and base of the tongue). Other types of HPV can cause common, or nongenital, skin warts on other areas of the body. Treatment for HPV depends on the specific problem or symptoms caused by the virus. There is currently no medical treatment to rid your body of HPV once you have it. There are a few patient-applied and doctor-applied medicines for external genital warts. At home, you can apply:

Imiquimod cream (Aldara), an immune enhancer that stimulates the production of interferons and other immune system substances to reduce viral loadPodofilox solution or gel (Condylox), which stops cell division and causes wart tissue to dieSinecatechins (Veregen), a type of green-tea extract that is thought to have antioxidant properties and boost immune activity

To treat genital warts, a doctor may use:

Cryotherapy, using liquid nitrogen or a probe to freeze wartsSurgical removal, using techniques such as shaving excision, laser therapy, or electrosurgeryTrichloroacetic acid or dichloroacetic acid, which chemically burn off warts

For internal genital warts, treatment may involve cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, laser ablation, surgical removal, trichloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, or topical interferon. About 9 out of 10 cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV, according to the CDC. Each year in the United States, about 11,000 people are diagnosed with cervical cancer linked to HPV, while about 200,000 are diagnosed with cervical dysplasia. Getting regular Pap or HPV tests raises the likelihood of catching cervical dysplasia or an HPV infection early, and removing precancerous growths can help prevent cervical cancer from developing. Severe cervical dysplasia is treated with one of several types of surgical procedures, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians:

CryotherapyElectrosurgerySurgical removal using a scalpel or laser

If cervical dysplasia has progressed to cervical cancer, you may be advised to have a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or to undergo radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both, according to the American Cancer Society.

Anal cancerOropharyngeal cancerPenile cancerVaginal cancerVulvar cancer

There are no established screening guidelines for HPV-related cancers other than cervical cancer, so typically these cancers are found only when they cause symptoms. Treatment for these cancers is based on the stage of the cancer when it is detected. Home remedies and over-the-counter products for warts are generally safe for people in good health. But if you have diabetes, loss of sensation in your feet, or poor circulation to your feet, do not attempt to treat foot warts on your own. See a doctor for treatment. Also see a doctor if you have any doubt that a growth on your skin is a wart. One way to treat warts at home is with a topical, over-the-counter product that contains salicylic acid. These products are available as a gel, a liquid, or a pad. For best results, it’s a good idea to soak the wart area in warm water for a few minutes before applying the treatment, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Another approach is to cover your wart with duct tape, changing the tape every few days and ideally peeling away layers of dead tissue from the wart. But there is conflicting evidence regarding whether this approach is effective. Over-the-counter cryotherapy products, which freeze warts to break down the abnormal tissue, are also available but may be painful to use. They are also not as effective as the cryotherapy treatment a doctor can deliver.

Medical Treatment for Skin Warts

If you choose to see a doctor for treatment of warts, you may receive one of the following treatments, according to the American Academy of Dermatology:

CryotherapyCantharidin, a chemical that causes a blister to form under the wartElectrosurgery, which involves burning off warts with an electric current, combined with curettage (a technique that involves scraping off the wart with a sharp knife or spoon-shaped tool)Excision (cutting out the wart)

If these treatments are ineffective, your doctor may opt for more potent treatments, such as laser treatment, chemical peels, or injections of bleomycin, an anti-cancer medication. Immunotherapy (treatments that stimulate or boost the body’s immune system) may be an option for warts that are resistant to all other forms of treatment. This type of treatment may involve shots of a natural virus-fighting protein called interferon.

Don’t bite your nails or pick at hangnails.Don’t scratch or pick at existing warts.Don’t touch other people’s warts.Don’t share razors, towels, socks, or shoes with other people.Wear flip-flops or shower sandals in public showers and locker rooms, and around swimming pools, to avoid getting plantar warts.If you have plantar warts, wear slippers or shoes at home to avoid spreading them to others.Keep any warts on your feet dry, as moisture encourages them to spread.

Additional reporting by Quinn Phillips.