First, I tell my friends to consider what information they’re looking for exactly. Do they want to better understand:

Their medical illness from symptoms to diagnosis and treatment?The range of services and specialists they may encounter?The self-care and lifestyle changes they can adopt?

Home in on the specific answers you’re looking for to narrow your search and it’ll be easier to find the information you need for more productive and satisfying conversations with your doctors. I also emphasize how important it is to question the reliability of what you’re reading: Can you trust what’s on the page? Does it reflect the latest in evidence-based science? I recommend looking closely at the page and checking:

Is there a date on the article that allows you to see how recent the information is?Is it written and reviewed by qualified experts? You should be able to easily find a bio with the author’s or reviewer’s professional qualifications.Do they list their sources to show their content is based on research from respected medical journals, government health sites, academic institutions, hospitals, or health organizations?

Be aware that your search results may include content written by patient-advocates. While reading these first-person accounts can be inspirational and enlightening, it’s important to recognize that their experience is unique to them and yours may be very different. While they are a fantastic source for tips on your day-to-day journey, you shouldn’t take fellow patients’ opinions or experiences as medical advice. And finally, keep an eye out for fake information. If it sounds like an advertisement it probably is. Beware of medical treatments for sale that are not mentioned on other legitimate sites. Sometimes a fake site will try to match its logo or URL to a legitimate website. You may need to dig deeper on the website to find out if they are committed to educating the public about a health issue. If you’re in doubt after a quick check, disregard the site. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to become a medical expert to take care of your health. If searching online is stressful, then stop and save your questions for your health professionals. They can guide you to the best answers to your questions.