“Rosacea is a condition in which blood vessel instability leads to flushing and blushing. When we exercise, these unstable vessels further dilate, leading to even greater flushing,” she says. According to a survey published in the Spring 2013 issue of Rosacea Review, the newsletter of the National Rosacea Society (NRS), more than 80 percent of people living with rosacea said exercise had irritated their skin at some point. But while overexertion can cause rosacea symptoms, such as flares of red skin, swelling, and pimples, you shouldn’t count out exercise. The reason: Avoiding exercise could be detrimental to your rosacea treatment, not to mention your overall health. Among its many benefits, exercise helps increase endorphins and reduces stress, calming the mind, explains Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Santa Monica, California. “Stress is one trigger for rosacea flares, so stress reduction can be a beneficial, long-term rosacea management technique, even if it causes some temporary flushing due to the acute vasodilation.” RELATED: 9 Things That Trigger Rosacea and How to Avoid Them Dr. Shainhouse also notes that exercise pumps oxygenated blood and nutrients throughout the body and skin, which helps to nourish and repair skin cells. This can lead to healthier-looking skin. In fact, according to the aforementioned NRS survey, 62 percent of respondents said simple exercise routine modifications reduced symptoms caused by working out. So rather than banish exercise from your life altogether — learn how to alter your routine to avoid the redness of a rosacea flare.

6 Dos and Don’ts for Exercising When Managing Rosacea

These rosacea care suggestions can help you enjoy an active life while reducing your risk of a flare:

1. Don’t: Do High-Intensity Workouts if You Can’t Risk a Flare

Although an earlier study, published in March 2017 in the journal BioMed Research International, pointed out that high-intensity exercise offers cardiovascular benefits, Dr. Bard warns this type of exercise is a common culprit for rosacea flares. Shainhouse agrees. “High-intensity workouts increase blood flow and heart rate temporarily, which can make the skin appear more red in patients who already have vasodilation associated with rosacea,” Shainhouse says. The good news: You can still meet the 2018 federal guidelines for exercise by doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise — such as cycling, walking briskly, or doing household chores — if not the equivalent 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week. “Lower-intensity workouts won’t make your face flush as much,” Shainhouse says. You should also incorporate strength training at least two days per week, the guidelines recommend.

2. Do: Short Spurts of Exercise Rather Than a Continual Workout Session

The NRS recommends exercising in 15-minute segments spaced throughout the day, as opposed to a continuous 45-minute workout. You’ll still reap the benefits yet reduce your chances of overheating and reddening your skin. If this isn’t possible, alternate between “hot” and “cool” activities: Lift weights or perform aerobic exercise for 15 minutes, and then take a stretch or swim laps in the pool. Once you’ve cooled off, return for more weight lifting or aerobics. RELATED: 7 Reasons You Should Find an Exercise Partner Right Now

3. Don’t: Let Your Body Get Overheated

Wearing too many clothes when exercising can lead to overheating. Choose the right workout clothes and dress in layers, peeling off clothes as needed, recommends the American Academy of Dermatology. The NRS recommends placing a cool towel around your neck or dabbing an ice cube on your skin to stay cool. “Drinking cold water and keeping a cool cloth or spray bottle by your cardio machine to place on your face and neck intermittently will help constrict blood vessels and reduce the extra redness a little quicker,” says Shainhouse.

4. Do: Work Out in the Morning or Evening, When the Sun Isn’t at Its Peak

Peak sun hours are between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the summer months, according to Shainhouse, who further notes how people with rosacea are more sensitive to heat associated with UV rays than those without the skin condition. This can cause additional vasodilation and make skin appear redder. If you prefer walking, running, biking, or hiking, do so in the early morning or evening hours. Look for shaded trails and don’t forget to wear sunscreen, advises the NRS.

5. Don’t: Exercise in a Stuffy Room When Working Out Indoors

You’ll want to make sure the room is adequately air-conditioned, as this too will help you avoid becoming overheated, says Bard. You can also run a fan or open the windows to create a cross breeze. Better yet, turn to water. “Consider swimming or water aerobics in a cool swimming pool instead of working out on stuffy indoor cardio machine or sweaty, enclosed spin studio,” Shainhouse says. RELATED: A Detailed Guide to Fitness — and Why It’s About Way More Than Hitting the Gym

6. Do: Stay Hydrated by Keeping a Water Bottle Handy

“The vessels in the skin vasodilate to help dissipate heat, but if you’re dehydrated and can’t sweat sufficiently, the body will not cool off quickly and redness may persist for longer than you like,” notes Shainhouse. Drink water before, during, and after workouts to prevent dehydration, recommends the Mayo Clinic. This can help your body’s natural cooling system function properly.

A Final Word About Exercising While Managing Rosacea Symptoms

Keeping an exercise diary can help determine which exercises affect your rosacea. But remember, a little red skin is only natural when you work out. So don’t let feelings of self-consciousness interfere with your exercise routine. “While patients with rosacea may look a little more pink when exercising, and their skin may feel sensitive and irritated when the salty sweat sits on it, overall, exercise is healthy and should not be avoided because of this common skin condition,” Shainhouse says. RELATED: The Top 10 Resources for Managing Rosacea