In other words, it’s likely there are still a lot of video calls in your future. “We’re social beings. We were created to live in a society, and so we thrive on the social connectedness,” says Anna S. Ord, PsyD, dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. These platforms allowed us to connect for business and pleasure when it was not safe to do so in person, and will continue to do so in cases where people prefer the convenience or flexibility of remote meetings. It’s likely that, without Zoom and other face-to-face video-conferencing platforms, the social isolation of lockdown and stay-at-home orders early in the pandemic would have taken an even greater toll on our mental health, she adds. But by now we all know that on the other hand, back-to-back-to-back video calls and meetings (even when they’re for fun) can be exhausting. The term “Zoom fatigue” saw a notable spike in Google search volume in April 2020, and then again in March 2021, according to Google Trends. In a study published in August 2021 in the Journal of Applied Psychology, researchers sought to answer the camera-on-or-off question by observing 103 employees during a total of 1,408 meetings to evaluate fatigue and engagement. They concluded that having cameras on did indeed increase employee fatigue during the meetings and the next day. Researchers suggested in the paper that the extra fatigue with camera use may be linked to pressure to “self-present” (that is, to be seen favorably and come across positively) while on camera. They also noted that women and newer employees were more likely to feel this pressure than men and more established employees. RELATED: Introvert or Extrovert: What Are Your Best Virtual Options for Social Connection? First of all, having an overscheduled day or week in and of itself is stressful. And the technology, while mimicking in-person meetings and get-togethers, is not a perfect substitute. RELATED: Does Work-Life Balance Actually Exist Anymore? “A lot of the information we process from the person we’re communicating with is nonverbal,” Dr. Ord says. Whether it’s a slight nod of the head or a subtle smile, we’re communicating with one another all the time — without realizing it. But when we communicate through video-conferencing tools, many of these nonverbal cues can get lost. “You can’t necessarily look over at someone and get a feel for if they’re understanding what’s going on, so that can be frustrating,” Scott Debb, EdD, licensed professional counselor and associate professor of cyberpsychology at Norfolk State University. Eye contact is another important feature of communication. When we establish eye contact with someone, research shows we send all sorts of signals back and forth that establish attention, interest, and disagreement or agreement with what is being said — what’s known as “gaze awareness.” Trouble is, if you want to make eye contact — or create the illusion of eye contact — with someone on Zoom, you have to look directly into the camera, “which we’re probably not going to do,” Ord says. Even if you’re looking into the person’s eyes, it appears to the other person as if you’re looking elsewhere on their face. “So there’s already a disconnect that we may not be aware of,” she explains. And as with any kind of communication technology, it takes a little time for your words and gestures to reach the other person. “Real time” during video calls actually means a micro delay. During face-to-face communication, we typically say something, then immediately look at the other person’s reaction for feedback on what to do or say next. But on video calls, that micro delay may be long enough for the other person’s reaction to feel not quite right. You make a joke and there’s a long enough pause for your brain to have a moment of panic over whether or not your satire landed. “There are times on Zoom, there’s kind of a limbo, like, ‘Did I say this right? Are they not responding because they’re mad at me?’” Ord explains. No, it’s the technological delay. It takes a split second for your information to reach their ears, for them to process it, and then send it back to you — a split second longer than it would in person. And though in the moment, you may not think twice about it, over the course of an hour-long call, and over the course of a day full of those calls, it’s an added stress for our brains. A study published in May 2014 in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies found that a delay as short as 1.2 seconds is enough to make your conversation partner appear less attentive, less friendly, and less focused compared with a shorter (or no) delay. Pair these challenges in communication and self-presentation with the standard tech glitches, dogs or kids making noise in the background, and countless other stressors and distractions, and suddenly your brain is overloaded with information. “Your brain is like a computer, and just like any computing machine, the brain is only able to process so much information at any given time,” Ord says. “If you have many programs open, it’s going to slow down the information-processing capacity of your computer.” The result? Fatigue.

How to Do Zoom Calls (and Any Video Conferencing) Better

“[Meeting] fatigue is not a new phenomenon,” says Steven G. Rogelberg, PhD, author of The Surprising Science of Meetings and director of organizational science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. While the brain-clogging effects of video-conferencing technology may make meetings even more tiring, the usual culprits are also probably still playing a role, he says: meetings that are too long, too frequent, and lack direction. So to make your Zoom and other video calls less draining, you’ll need to address those issues, too, he says. Here are some tips:

Keep the Meetings Short

Attention spans keep getting shorter — your meeting times should reflect that. While there isn’t an ideal meeting length, you want to go as short as possible given the goals of the meeting, Dr. Rogelberg says. Don’t be afraid to limit your meetings to 15, 20, or 25 minutes. To figure out your ideal meeting length, think about how much time you need for what you want to achieve. Then cut 5 to 10 minutes to create a sense of urgency. “This pressure seems to create more focus in meetings,” Rogelberg says.

Invite Fewer People

Resist the urge to over invite. When tons of people show up, the meeting becomes less focused and harder to manage. Instead of inviting everyone, stick to the essential team members who have a role to play in the meeting. You can always record the meeting and make it available to the rest of the team. If you’re worried about shutting people out of meetings by limiting the invites, send relevant players an invite, but be sure to let them know what the meeting is about and that their presence and participation is optional, not mandatory.

Sort Tech Problems Early so the Meeting Starts on Time

Few things are more frustrating than meetings that start late because of software issues. To ensure that a meeting starts on time, facilitators should log in five minutes early to make sure that they have the necessary software and that the technology is working smoothly, Rogelberg says.

Make Video Optional

On the one hand, keeping your camera turned on can help prevent multitasking and ensure people are tuned in to the tasks at hand. However, the added pressure of having to be “on” during a video call may leave some feeling more drained afterwards, per the Journal of Applied Psychology study. And some people may prefer to keep their surroundings hidden for privacy reasons: “If there are tons of people running around the house and it’s messy, people may not want to keep that camera on,” Debb says. If you have a choice about turning on your camera (some employers may require it), make a thoughtful decision about whether to do so.

Before Scheduling, Always Ask: Is This Meeting Really Necessary?

“Be thoughtful about calling meetings. Are so many really necessary?” Dr. Moen says. Consider whether a video call will actually help you meet an important deadline. Can the same information be shared just as easily in an email or quick phone call? If there’s no real value in holding a video call, consider canceling or postponing.

Limit Other Potential Distractions

“I’m in the Zoom meeting and an email notification pops up, so I’m thinking about responding to the email while I’m in the meeting, and then I’m wondering why I was tired [afterward],” Ord says. Multitasking is going to tire you out. Try to be present with your coworkers or friends during the meeting. Turn off any desktop notifications, close your email, and switch your phone to airplane mode. RELATED: Your Work-From-Home Self-Care Survival Guide