“We can never promise a cure, but [they’re] about as close as anything in medicine to a guarantee,” says Nancy Reau, MD, a hepatologist and professor of transplant hepatology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. While direct-acting antivirals are a game changer for treatment, they can’t prevent you from being reinfected with hepatitis C. “That would be like telling a patient, ‘If I give you antibiotics … you can never get an ear infection again,’” says Dr. Reau. “These medications are incredibly good at eliminating an active infection, but there’s nothing preventive about them.” Here’s how it’s possible to get the virus again, along with tips for protecting yourself from a hepatitis reinfection.

How Hepatitis C Medications Work

Hepatitis C is an infection that spreads through blood. In some cases, the body clears the virus on its own. Otherwise, the infection becomes chronic. Left untreated, chronic hepatitis C can lead to liver problems, including scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), liver cancer, and liver failure. Today, direct-acting antiviral oral medications cure both acute and chronic hepatitis C in more than 90 percent of people who take them — within just 8 to 12 weeks. “We would expect to be able to get rid of the virus in about 99.9 percent of people, even if it required more than one course,” says Reau. Although these new antiviral drugs effectively treat an infection, they can’t prevent you from getting the virus again if you’re exposed. Once you’re cured of hepatitis C, your body develops antibodies, but they don’t act against the virus, says K. V. Narayanan Menon, MD, a hepatologist and the medical director of liver transplantation at Cleveland Clinic.

Who’s at Risk for Hepatitis C Reinfection

Research, including a study published in March 2018 in the Journal of Viral Hepatitis, suggests that 1 percent of all people who are cured of hepatitis C are eventually reinfected. Your odds are based largely on whether you engage in behaviors that increase the odds of reinfection, such as injecting drugs. “It’s not necessarily the drug,” says Reau. “It’s the behavior.” Risk factors for HCV reinfection include:

Injecting or inhaling illegal drugsHaving HIV (people with HIV who are exposed to hepatitis C have a higher chance of getting hepatitis than those who don’t have HIV, says Reau)Getting a piercing or tattoo with equipment that’s not properly sterilizedHaving sex with multiple partners without using a condom, especially if you’re a man who has sex with menBeing a healthcare worker who’s accidentally exposed to infected blood

Tips to Avoid Hepatitis C Reinfection

There is no vaccine for hepatitis C, but taking precautions can help protect you from being reinfected. “As long as you don’t go back to infective behaviors, you shouldn’t get reinfected,” says Dr. Menon. Here’s how you can help protect yourself.

Never share needles, and get help to stop injecting drugs. Sharing dirty needles is one of the most common ways hepatitis C spreads, so use a clean one each time until you can successfully quit. It’s often very hard to stop using drugs on your own, so ask a medical professional for a referral to a treatment program if you’re struggling.Take precautions for piercings and tattoos. Only go to a reputable shop, and ask employees how they sterilize their equipment. If they don’t answer your questions, go somewhere else.Practice safer sex. Always use protection if you have multiple partners or don’t know whether a partner is at risk for hepatitis C.Have your partner get tested. Although infections between monogamous couples are rare, they do happen. “The risk of transmission among couples is low, but if you have HCV, I think it’s important for your significant other to get tested, especially because we have such good treatments now,” says Menon.Get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. Both of these viruses can also damage the liver.Steer clear of alcohol, and be cautious with medications and supplements. Alcohol and certain prescription and over-the-counter medications, herbs, and supplements can damage the liver. Be sure to talk to your doctor before popping any pill.

Finally, don’t skip hepatitis C treatments just because you’re still struggling with addiction: You deserve care, and you could transmit the virus to others. “If a clinician thinks that someone is actively using, they might have some intrinsic bias to think that they won’t be compliant with the medication or will just get reinfected,” says Reau. “But someone who’s interested in treatment but still has reinfection risks is a very important person to prioritize.”

Resources for At-Risk People

Rising opioid use in the United States has led to an increased number of viral infections, including hepatitis C and HIV. Opioids and methamphetamines are the most commonly injected illegal drugs, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. “Most newly acquired hepatitis C in the younger generation is linked to the opioid epidemic,” says Reau. People who try to quit opioids cold turkey are very likely to relapse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. But there are many resources that can help you quit using and reduce your risk of hepatitis C and other infections. Here are a few.

Treatment clinics for opioid use disorder Many people benefit from a combination of behavioral treatment and medication. You can find a quality drug treatment center in your area using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) behavioral health treatment services locator, buprenorphine practitioner locator, or opioid treatment program directory. Choose a program that makes you feel comfortable and welcome and is convenient for you. “Offering someone who is struggling with addiction the ability to control their addictions is often lifesaving,” says Reau.Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) In treatment programs, you may receive opioid agonists (such as methadone or buprenorphine), which reduce opioid withdrawal and cravings by acting on the same receptors in the brain that are activated by opioids. Opioid antagonists (such as naltrexone) block the brain’s opioid receptors so taking the drug doesn’t lead to the same euphoric effects that cause addiction. MAT doesn’t simply replace one drug for another. These medications have been proven to be very effective in treating drug addiction and sustaining recovery.Needle exchange programs Syringe services programs (SSPs) are linked to a 50 percent reduction in HCV and HIV infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Using clean needles is the best way to prevent infection,” says Menon. “If you share a needle with someone who’s already infected, that’s the way it’s transmitted.” See the North American Syringe Exchange Network (NASEN) site for a directory of programs by area. Doctors in 48 states (excluding Delaware and Kansas) and the District of Columbia are also allowed to prescribe or dispense syringes to people who inject drugs. Never share syringes, and always dispose of needles after a single use.Mental health and social work services If you’re struggling with finances, social workers can help connect you with employment and food programs, childcare, and healthcare. It’s also essential to seek therapy if you need it. “Underlying depression or uncontrolled anxiety are often where someone will relapse, because they’re using their addiction to treat another psychiatric complication,” says Reau. Most social workers and therapists offer their services online, she adds. And there are many ways to access more affordable therapy, including finding a therapist who offers sliding fees, trying group therapy, or checking with your community health center or a nearby college.Free condom distribution If you have sex with multiple partners or aren’t sure of a new partner’s HCV status, condom distribution programs can help you access free condoms and information about safe sex. Many local health departments have condom distribution programs; search online to find one near you.

Know that if you have health insurance, federal law requires your insurer to pay for mental and substance abuse treatment. See the SAMHSA website for more information about counseling and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services site to learn about insurance coverage for mental health and addiction services.