There are several types of hepatitis, with types A, B, and C being the most common. (3) Vaccines are available to prevent hepatitis A and B, but there isn’t currently a vaccine to prevent HCV, although researchers have been working on a vaccine for more than three decades. (4) Hepatitis C has seven genotypes and 67 subtypes, and a vaccine that can protect against all types of the virus has yet to be developed. (4) Hepatitis C spreads through direct contact with blood and certain body fluids containing the virus. (2) The good news is that even though there isn’t a vaccine for hepatitis C, the virus is preventable. Here’s how to protect yourself and others. RELATED: How Hepatitis C Is Transmitted Be mindful that the virus might also be spread by direct contact with dried contaminated blood, according to the U.K. National Helath Service (NHS). (6) So it’s important to never share razors, nail clippers, scissors, and other personal care items like toothbrushes that may facilitate blood exposure, warns Amesh Adalja, MD, an infectious disease physician and senior scholar at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security who is based in Pittsburgh. If personal care items have been contaminated with infected blood, a bleach-based product is a good way to clean these items, continues Dr. Adalja. And once cleaned, store them separately from personal items used by others. (5) RELATED: 7 Myths About Hepatitis C But the virus doesn’t only spread through the use of drug needles. It can also spread when two people share a straw or dollar bill for snorting cocaine, when traces of blood are present in the nose. (5) The best way to prevent an infection is to stop injecting drugs. This will most likely involve getting treatment for substance abuse and addiction. At the very least, only use newly packaged sterile syringes and needles, and never share drug-injecting equipment with others. (5,7) “If you want to get a tattoo, make sure to get it from an established and safe place, and make sure they use a different needle in each customer,” says Sashini Seeni MD, a general practitioner of medicine at DoctorOnCall, an online doctor consultation platform. “The tattoo artist should wear gloves, and the surroundings and equipment should be cleaned and sterilized,” she further notes. (2) Also, make sure the tattoo parlor is licensed. You can check with your local or state health department for licensing information. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about safety measures. How do they sterilize their counters, tables, chairs, and equipment? Do they use a bleach-based disinfectant? A reputable tattooist shouldn’t have an issue answering your questions. If you detect annoyance or attitude from the tattooist, follow your gut and get out. Also, speak up if you don’t see your tattoo artist apply a fresh pair of disposable gloves, or if they don’t open a new pack of needles or pigment trays in your presence. If needles and pigment trays aren’t sealed, ask for a fresh one. (5) To protect yourself (and others) at home, wear gloves before tending to cuts and other bloody injuries, and clean contaminated surfaces with bleach. “If you have a family member with hepatitis C, encourage them to get treatment, because newer medications are highly effective at curing the infection, thus eliminating any chance of spreading it to others,” says Adalja. Any gloves, bandages, or tissues covered with infected blood should be sealed in a plastic bag and disposed of in the trash, and you should wash any contaminated fabrics at the highest temperature with bleach. (5) “Needle stick injury among healthcare workers is another possible method of transmission,” says Dr. Seeni, so these workers should always practice safety. (1) “Wear protective gear, especially gloves, when handling blood and blood products as well as sharp items, and always report and get yourself treated if there’s any incident of accidental needle stick,” she warns. RELATED: Your Guide to Living Well With Hepatitis C You may feel that condoms aren’t necessary if you’re in a monogamous heterosexual relationship. Keep in mind, though, that HCV can spread through menstrual flow, so refrain from having sex during this time of the month, says the NHS. (9) If you or your partner has been infected, you should wear a condom during anal sex. Anal sex can cause small tears around the rectum. This can lead to minor bleeding and spread the virus from person to person. (9) RELATED: Is Sex Safe if One Person Has Hep C? This is especially important if you had an organ transplant or a blood transfusion prior to 1992. Before this time, blood and organs weren’t tested for the virus. (2) You should also get tested if you develop symptoms of the virus. These include flu-like symptoms, constant fatigue, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain that doesn’t improve. If you’re infected, there’s about a 1 in 20 chance that you’ll pass the virus to your child during delivery. (10) If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, talk to your doctor. Although treatment during pregnancy isn’t recommended, antiviral treatment prior to getting pregnant can help clear the virus from your body and lower the risk of mother-to-child transmission. (11) About 90 percent of those infected are cured after 8 to 12 weeks of antiviral therapy. (1)

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