But did you know there are multiple types of heart disease? In fact, it’s an umbrella term that includes a number of conditions affecting the structures and functions of the heart. Some of these conditions are hereditary, while others are brought on by unhealthy lifestyle habits. The following is a list of the different types of heart disease. Coronary artery disease can be chronic, narrowing arteries over time and limiting blood supply to the heart. Or it can be acute, resulting from a sudden rupture of a plaque and the formation of a blood clot. This can cause angina, or chest pain, and ultimately a heart attack. (3) Other symptoms of CAD include shortness of breath, extreme fatigue with exertion, lightheadedness, and a fast heart rate. Over time, coronary artery disease can also lead to heart failure or dangerous arrhythmias that can cause sudden cardiac arrest. (2) Many arrhythmias are not dangerous, but some can be life-threatening. Most everyone has felt their heart flutter in their chest or the sensation of their heart skipping a beat. These can be signs of an arrhythmia, but these symptoms are generally no need to panic. (4) However, if symptoms persist or frequently return, see your doctor to rule out these more serious problems:

Atrial fibrillation Also known as afib, this is the most common type of serious arrhythmia, involving a very fast and irregular heart rhythm of the atria, or the upper chamber of the heart. At least 2.7 million Americans are living with atrial fibrillation, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Untreated afib doubles the risk of heart-related deaths and is associated with a fivefold increase in the risk of stroke. Symptoms of atrial fibrillation include a quivering or fluttering heartbeat that can be accompanied by fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, faintness or confusion, and sweating. If you have these symptoms, talk to your doctor, as treatments can greatly reduce the risk of complications. If symptoms are accompanied by chest pain, call 911 immediately, as you may be experiencing a heart attack. (5)Ventricular fibrillation This occurs when the heart beats with quick, erratic electrical impulses. It can cause the heart’s ventricles to quiver uselessly instead of pumping blood. Ventricular fibrillation can turn deadly because an ineffective heartbeat can cause blood pressure to drop and can cut off the blood supply to vital organs. A person suffering from ventricular fibrillation will collapse within a few seconds and will soon stop breathing and cease to have a pulse. If this happens, call 911 immediately. If you or someone nearby knows cardiopulmonary resuscitation, begin performing it right away. (6)

The most common cause of heart failure is coronary artery disease. Other causes include a past heart attack that damaged the heart muscle or a heart defect that has been present since birth. (7) Untreated heart failure can lead to congestive heart failure, which requires immediate medical attention. The condition occurs when the heart does not pump properly; the kidneys then receive less blood and filter less fluid into urine. That extra fluid — called congestion — builds up in the lungs, liver, and other organs and tissues. Signs include fatigue; coughing or wheezing; swelling in the feet, ankles, and legs; confusion; and shortness of breath, especially when lying down. (8) There are many treatment options available for heart failure, depending on how serious it is. Your doctor will discuss the best plan for you, but treatment can include medications, lifestyle changes, the use of cardiac devices, and surgical procedures. (9)

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Peripheral artery disease is the narrowing of the arteries to the legs, stomach, arms, and head. Like CAD, PAD is caused by atherosclerosis. The most common symptoms of PAD include cramping of the lower extremities and pain in the leg or hip muscles while climbing stairs. Many people mistake the symptoms of PAD for something else, and it often goes undiagnosed. People with PAD are at an increased risk of CAD, heart attack, and stroke. If left untreated, it can lead to gangrene and amputation. (10)

Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart disease, also called a congenital heart defect, is one or more abnormality in the heart’s structure that a person has from birth. Defects range from simple, which might be completely harmless, to complex and life-threatening. Some defects cause no signs and symptoms at all, while others cause symptoms later in life. They can also occur years after treatment. Common signs of a heart defect in adults can include an arrhythmia, shortness of breath, tiring quickly, swelling of the body tissue or organs, and a bluish tint to the skin, lips, and fingernails. If you are experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor. Treatments for heart defects have advanced significantly, and now babies who once died from congenital heart disease survive and go on to live healthy lives. (11)


Cardiomyopathy is the name for diseases of the heart muscle that alter the normal structure or function of the heart. In rare cases, the muscle tissue is replaced with scar tissue. As cardiomyopathy progresses, the heart grows weaker and has trouble pumping blood through the body and maintaining a normal electrical rhythm. The condition can lead to an arrhythmia or heart failure. (12,13).

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