Now retired from the military, Novak lives with her husband and their dog, Ranger, in Woodbridge, Virginia, where she works as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor. She has numerous certifications as a trainer, including certification as a Functional Aging Specialist and as a balance coach and trainer in falls prevention through the Staying Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) program. She’s now gearing up to take the MS Fitness Specialist course so she can help others living with MS. Here’s what Novak had to say about her experience with living with MS: David Lyons: When were you diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and what were your symptoms? Renee Novak: I woke up on Super Bowl Sunday 2004 with right-side partial paralysis. At that time, I was an Air Force officer stationed at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Initially I resisted going to the ER. As the day progressed, however, my symptoms did not get any better, and my family took me to Wilford Hall Medical Center emergency room. The ER doctor admitted me and ordered blood tests and an immediate CT scan of my brain. Results showed a large white spot on my frontal lobe. My paralysis was on my right side, so there was a lot of concern. Over the next two days I had various tests, including an MRI, numerous blood tests, eye exams, and a spinal tap. The most ironic comment I can remember came from the radiologist who reviewed my MRI. He said, “You are the luckiest person in the world.” I was really confused by that comment at the time but later learned that prior to receiving the MRI results, the medical team suspected a brain tumor. After the MRI, and with the data from the other exams, the medical team diagnosed my condition as MS. Over the next few days the neurologist and other physicians discussed treatment options, finally settling on Copaxone (glatiramer). That began my MS journey, and I’ve been on Copaxone ever since. DL: What motivated you to start working out to help manage MS?  RN: For me there was no option. I was one year away from my military retirement. If I could not return to active duty, I would not be able to retire with full benefits. That’s the dollars and cents of it. But in reality, I had two young teenage children who needed their mom to be the best she could be. I can remember when we told the kids, my son who was 13 cried, “Give it to me, Mom! I’ll take it. You don’t deserve it!” My daughter, who was 11, said, “What do we need to do? You got this, Mom. You’re tougher than this. We can beat it.” I needed no more motivation. DL: What are your symptoms currently, and have they improved since you started a workout routine?  RN: I face temperature sensitivity and tremors in my right leg. Extreme heat, cold, and stress make everything worse. My primary symptoms remain cognitive in nature. Memory and recall of places, names, and technical terms present big challenges. This played a large part in my decision to leave my position as a defense contractor. In 2014 my magnificent neurologist, Dr. Heidi Crayton, the head of the MS Center of Greater Washington, DC, recommended I visit a cognitive psychologist for an evaluation, which comprised over six hours of testing. Using those results, the psychologist and I explored strategies to improve my memory. Often, I feel that specific details like directions, names, or places are in my brain — but I can’t retrieve them. We call the strategy I developed with the help of my family “Prompto-bismol.” Often, a single prompt triggers my recall. I also rely extensively on writing notes as prompts. DL: What was the biggest challenge in your workouts?  RN: Challenge comes from the impact of extreme heat or cold and dealing with depression. But giving up was never an option. I owe it to my family to be my best me, always. DL: How did you get started on an exercise program?  RN: Fitness was always a way to keep my body strong and maintain standards as an Air Force officer. I knew exercise helped release the stress of balancing career with family. After the MS diagnosis and right-side weakness, I turned to exercise to rebuild strength and balance. My son would walk backward ahead of me so he could stabilize or catch me if I wobbled as I began walking, then eventually jogging again. DL: How did you stay motivated to continue the program?  RN: I had small goals that grew into larger ones. The first big goal was to do the Cherry Blossom 10-mile run held each spring in Washington, DC. The next goals became training for the Bike MS rides and eventually completing a century bicycle ride. DL: Were there any times when you wanted to quit or give up?  RN: No, not really, but depression did and still does creep in. When I left defense contracting because of the fatigue, stress, and cognitive challenges, there was a period when I searched for a purpose. I asked, “What’s next?” That’s when I began working on my personal training certifications. I also attended Marymount University and, in 2019, completed a master of science degree in health, education, and promotion with specializations in exercise, fitness, and nutrition. DL: What is your current exercise routine? RN: I have a strength trainer who I see three times per week. We do chest presses, dead lifts, squats, etc. During the good-weather months my husband and I also do long-distance bicycling. We’ve done MS century rides a number of times over the last 10 years. We’re also avid scuba divers. In my personal training business, I’m always moving. I spend about 25 hours per week educating, training, and conducting group exercise sessions, including teaching a specialty class for people with Parkinson’s disease along with their support person. Occasionally I also teach water aerobics classes. All of this keeps me pretty active. DL: Have you altered your diet and nutrition regimen? RN: Yes, my diet and nutrition regimen have changed. I really focus on getting sufficient fruits, vegetables, and healthy carbs, as well as limiting prepackaged, premade foods. I’ve also increased my proteins, mainly eggs, chicken, and fish. Other changes include significantly increasing the amount of water I drink and cutting out diet soda. I still love my chocolate and wine, though! RELATED: Share Your Best Diet, Nutrition, and Fitness Tips on Tippi! DL: How has working out changed your life and helped with your MS?  RN: I am sure working out has saved my life. Way back in the early 1980s, I needed to lose 40 pounds to get into the military. From that point on, exercise became as central to my existence as breathing. Fitness helped me remain healthy through pregnancies and enabled me to meet military standards throughout. Had I not already had a strong fitness baseline before my MS diagnosis, physical recovery would have been doubtful and return to duty uncertain. In the 16 years since my diagnosis, through all the ups and downs, exercise has remained a mainstay. I consider myself extremely blessed to feel strong and healthy. DL: What fitness goals do you have for the future? RN: Participate in more Bike MS rides. Do at least one pull-up. Learn yoga for mindfulness and stretching. DL: Why have you decided to take the MS Fitness Specialist course? RN: Believe it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic provided the space and time for me to be at home, reevaluate my training business, and think about the next phase of my career. I was able to attend one of the MS Fitness training launch pads and became aware of the tremendous need for personal trainers certified with the specialization and skill necessary to work within the MS community. I came to the realization that as a personal trainer with MS, I possess unique skills, experiences, and insight. I can use my current blessing of good health to assist others with MS. DL: Tell us about your MS mission. RN: My MS mission is to educate, inspire, and assist those with MS to believe in living their life to the fullest extent possible. And to share the realization that you have the power to affect your outcome. Knowing every individual experiences MS differently, I firmly believe attitude is everything and exercise makes a huge difference in quality of life. I regained my mobility through exercise and feel truly blessed to be able to do what I do. My passion remains the same regardless of the client’s specific need. I strive to inspire each client to work to their own ability and believe that exercise provides the linchpin to keep them moving. DL: Do you have any advice for those who want to conquer MS through fitness? RN: Know that the work you do today provides tremendous benefits in your quality of life tomorrow. Be like the The Little Engine That Could. Be that train willing to try and believe, “I think I can, I think I can,” to overcome what seems like an impossible task. Just keep moving!