What Is an Ectomorph?

If you can handle a spaghetti or pizza dinner with no ill effects, you may be an ectomorph. That’s because these individuals tend to handle carbohydrates the best out of any body type, say proponents of the body type diet. “Ectomorphs naturally have a higher insulin sensitivity to process carbs,” says Phil Catudal, a personal trainer and coauthor of Just Your Type: The Ultimate Guide to Eating and Training Right for Your Body Type. But ectomorphs lack muscle mass, so they need to amp up their protein intake and combine it with a strength training plan, argue proponents of this approach. Catudal says the ideal diet for an ectomorph is one that is higher in carbs (45 percent of calories) and protein (35 percent of calories) and lower in fat (20 percent of calories).

The Other Body Types

Along with an ectomorph, the other two body types (also referred to as somatotypes) include mesomorph (someone who typically has a sporty, athletic, or muscular build) and endomorph (a larger-boned person who is curvier or has more fat on their body). (1) You might also find that you can “eat whatever you want” and not gain weight — something that sounds ideal in theory, but an unhealthy diet can have an effect on your health no matter your weight or body mass index (BMI).

Ectomorph Hybrid Types

Over time, says Catudal, ectomorphs can become one of the common hybrid types, an “ecto-endomorph,” characterized by long limbs but a bigger belly from a sedentary lifestyle and less than stellar eating habits. As you age, that state of “skinny fat” — a term for people who are normal weight but have excess fat mass — can catch up to your long-term health. (2) A study from 2018 found that having low lean body mass (muscle) and excess fat was associated with a greater risk of developing cognitive problems. (3) Here are some of the foods you can eat on the ectomorph diet:

Meat and Fish

ChickenTurkeyWhite fish (cod, mah-mahi)Seafood (shrimp, scallops)EggsLean steak or beef


Fat-free or low-fat yogurt or milk (keep to 1 serving a day)

Fruits and Vegetables

BerriesMangoOrangesApplesPearsBananaCauliflowerGreen beansBroccoliAsparagusBrussels sproutsSquash

Nuts and Seeds

AlmondsPistachiosPeanutsSunflower seedsPumpkin seeds

Grains and Starchy Vegetables

Whole-wheat breadOld-fashioned or steel-cut oatsBrown riceQuinoaFarroSweet potato

Snack Hard-boiled egg and soy milk latte Lunch Mediterranean quinoa salad with chopped veggies and olive oil Snack Apple and almonds Dinner Turkey and mango tacos wrapped in lettuce leaves served with a side of black beans

Day 2

Breakfast Smoothie made with fruit, almond milk, and protein powder Snack Trail mix made with nuts and dried fruit Lunch Avocado toast topped with a fried egg, side salad Snack Carrots and black bean dip Dinner Sliced flank steak fajitas with onions and peppers wrapped in sprouted whole-grain tortillas

Day 3

Breakfast Sweet potato toast topped with a thin smear of nut butter and turkey bacon Snack Pear with mixed nuts Lunch Bean and veggie burger served on a whole-grain bun, side of steamed broccoli Snack Protein bar Dinner Grilled chicken, sautéed kale, tomato and cucumber salad, side of farro

Day 4

Breakfast Whole-grain toast with fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt and a sliced pear Snack Protein bar Lunch Mixed greens salad with chopped vegetables, roasted turkey, and vinaigrette Snack Apple and a slice of cheese Dinner Chicken and mushroom stir-fry over brown rice

Day 5

Breakfast Slice of veggie frittata with roasted sweet potatoes Snack Banana with almond butter Lunch Tuna mashed with avocado on whole grain crackers, side salad Snack Protein bar Dinner Quinoa bake made with tomato sauce, mixed vegetables, and chicken

Day 6

Breakfast Fat-free or low-free Greek yogurt parfait with chopped apples, walnuts, whole-grain cereal, and cinnamon Snack Small smoothie with protein powder Lunch Turkey chili and a side salad with vinaigrette Snack Sliced veggies dipped in homemade guacamole Dinner Grilled shrimp and vegetables kabobs on a bed of quinoa

Day 7

Breakfast Overnight oats made with fat-free or low-fat yogurt, almond milk, and topped with raspberries Snack Hard-boiled egg, piece of fruit Lunch Turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread, mashed avocado, lettuce, tomato, onion, baby carrots on the side Snack Broccoli dipped in hummus Dinner Roasted cod, Brussels sprouts, baked sweet potato Yet as the ectomorph diet advises, by increasing the amount of protein you eat per day and combining it with weight training recommendations (below), you’ll stimulate your body to build more muscle. Not only does an increase in muscle mass boost your metabolism, but it can also protect your bones as you age. (4) As research published in 2019 noted, losing muscle mass was linked to 2.5-fold greater odds of osteoporosis. (5) That said, if you’re a hybrid ectomorph and carrying excess fat around your waist, a higher-carb diet might not be the right match for you, says Melina Jampolis, MD, an internist and board-certified physician nutrition specialist in Valley Village, California. “Many patients who have been thin their whole lives gain weight in their belly,” she says. In that case, limiting high-starch choices like pasta and bread in favor of sweet potatoes, oats, and beans may be advised, according to the thinking behind the body type diet. “The good news,” she suggests, “is that this body tends to respond very quickly to cutting carbs, and they can lose weight efficiently,” she says. Still, keep in mind that there’s no one perfect diet for everyone. And if weight loss is what you’re after, another diet plan, such as one that limits calories instead of carbs, can help you reach your goal. (6) Furthermore, the body type diet does not have rigorous scientific research supporting its use; therefore, there’s no proof it will result in weight loss or any health benefits.