The stresses related to the COVID-19 pandemic may also be affecting your ability to manage diabetes. Not only are people with type 2 diabetes at a higher risk for complications associated with infection from the novel coronavirus, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has emphasized, but the risk of burnout from dealing with this crisis can also harm your mental well-being. As a study published in the September-October 2020 issue of Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome notes, the importance of balancing the management of your health while avoiding the mental health impacts of what researchers call “coronaphobia” are imperative to help prevent this type of burnout. While you already know that adopting healthy lifestyle choices is imperative for keeping your blood sugar in check, actually carrying them out is no small task, and caring for your emotional health shouldn’t be pushed to the side in the process. Indeed, a review published in the September-October 2018 issue of the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that learning to cope with stress can promote mental well-being as well as improve the ability to manage diabetes. RELATED: 10 Diabetes Care Tips During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Why Burnout Happens to Some People Managing Type 2 Diabetes

“Living with diabetes can be challenging. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by diabetes and all that comes with it,” says Jenny DeJesus, CDCES, a nurse practitioner in the Hospital for Special Surgery’s diabetes service in New York City. Burnout means being overwhelmed or exhausted by physical or emotional stresses, perceived or real. Chronic illnesses are very real stressors, both physically and emotionally, so dealing with burnout when you have type 2 diabetes is a distinct possibility. You may feel at times that sticking with a diabetes care plan is more than you can or want to handle, and you may get frustrated with monitoring blood sugar or having to watch your diet. Know that these are normal feelings and that you can take steps to regain a positive outlook. Doing so can help ward off mental disorders, including anxiety and depression, which people with diabetes may be at a greater risk of developing, according to the CDC. This burden can make managing diabetes more difficult. RELATED: When and How to Add a Therapist to Your Diabetes Care Team

Tips for Preventing Diabetes Burnout

According to the CDC’s National Diabetes Education Program, you can help prevent negative feelings from escalating by identifying ways to ease stress. Here are a few suggestions:

Take a few minutes each day to spend time on a hobby you enjoy, meditate, or practice deep breathing.Keep a journal to record not just what you eat and your glucose levels but also how you feel — what bothers you and what makes you feel better.Ask yourself how you can divide your management plan into smaller steps that will make it seem easier to master.

RELATED: The Diabetes-Anxiety Connection: How to Spot the Signs and Find Relief

Finding Ways to Cope With the Challenges of Living With Diabetes

Unlike a job that’s sent you over the edge or a relationship that just isn’t right for you any longer, managing type 2 diabetes is usually a lifelong commitment. Unfortunately, there may be times when you experience burnout despite your best efforts. If this happens, the first step toward recovery is accepting that you may not be able to handle every aspect of diabetes care without some help. Try to figure out which aspects of your diabetes led to your feelings of burnout, and get help to address them and restore your quality of life. Reaching out for support from friends and family is essential to relieving diabetes burnout. “They can help you put things into perspective and get back on track,” says DeJesus. Randy Pike, a news reporter in Grande Prairie, Alberta, who has had type 2 diabetes for the past 15-plus years, knows how helpful family can be. “My wife generally notices signs that I need to eat better than I do,” Pike says. The more your family and friends know and understand type 2 diabetes, the greater a resource they can be for you. They can attend classes with you or help you stick with your eating, exercise, and medication routine at home. Your healthcare team is another important resource. Doctors, nurses, and dietitians who specialize in diabetes care understand the problems that type 2 diabetes can cause. The Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists has a tool for identifying diabetes education programs in your area. What’s more, there are plenty of options for connecting with peers who are managing diabetes, such as through the American Diabetes Association as well as on social media platforms, which research links to improved mental health and diabetes management. For example, meta-analyses published in June 2020 in The Diabetes Educator found that diabetes online communities aided participants’ mental and physical health, ultimately helping them better manage diabetes. Diabetes online communities provide a means for people with diabetes to trade advice and relate to others’ struggles and triumphs. RELATED: Peer Support May Cut Costs, Boost Health of People With Diabetes and Depression If you discuss your situation with your family, your care team, and your peers, they will be able to offer you insights to better manage whatever is troubling you, during COVID-19 and beyond. For more on diabetes burnout, check out Diabetes Daily’s article “Diabetes Burnout: What to Do if You Fall Off the Bandwagon.” Additional reporting by Kristeen Cherney.