Although there’s no cure for this disease, and the lung damage can’t be reversed, you can slow its progression and manage symptoms by taking the right steps and working closely with your doctor. RELATED: Can You Stop the Progression of COPD? The following resources can also help you succeed:

The National Cancer Institute’s offers resources to help you kick the habit, including tips from former smokers, a guide on making a “quit plan,” and a free texting service that sends you daily messages to support you on your journey to stop smoking.The American Lung Association (ALA)’s Freedom From Smoking program is a seven-week clinic (in-person or online) that takes you through the process of quitting smoking one step at a time.The CDC’s 800-QUIT-NOW line offers free coaching, quit plans, and education materials.

RELATED: What Are the Causes and Risk Factors of COPD?

Other Ways to Reduce Your Risk of COPD

Here are some tips to reduce your exposure to airborne irritants:

If you have a wood-burning stove or fireplace, make sure it’s well ventilated.Stay indoors if there’s noticeable air pollution outside, such as smog or a nearby wildfire.Make your home and work environment free from secondhand smoke.If you work in an environment where you are exposed to chemical fumes and dust, speak with your supervisor about respiratory protective equipment and other ways to protect yourself.

The criteria are based, in part, on results from a breathing test called spirometry. After the test, you will be given a number from 1 (mildly limited airflow) to 4 (very severely limited airflow). Depending on your symptoms and number of exacerbations and hospitalizations, you would be placed in a group of A, B, C, or D. Your COPD is then classified with a number from grade 1 to grade 4 and a letter from group A to group D. These grades are used to gauge the severity of your COPD and predict the risk of your condition getting worse; they do not predict how long you will live. RELATED: What Are the 4 Stages of COPD and the Gold System for Grading?

Body-mass index or BMI (a calculation made by comparing height versus weight)Degree of airflow obstruction (based on spirometry results)Shortness of breath (dyspnea)Exercise capacity, based on a test that measures how far people can walk in six minutes

RELATED: Symptoms and Diagnosis of COPD Common treatments for COPD include: Bronchodilators This type of medication relaxes the muscles around the airways, which helps to keep them open and makes breathing easier. Most bronchodilators are delivered through an inhaler or can be nebulized so you breathe the medicine straight into your lungs. Bronchodilators include beta-agonists (which relax the muscles that surround the airways) and anticholinergics (which block a chemical that causes the airways to contract), and can be either short-acting or long-acting. Short-acting bronchodilators offer immediate relief of symptoms, but they wear off in a few hours. Long-acting bronchodilators provide relief for many hours, but may take longer to kick in. Corticosteroids (Steroids) These drugs help reduce swelling and mucus production in the airways, making it easier to breathe. Steroids usually involve an inhaler device but can also be taken as a pill for short periods of time if your symptoms are getting more severe. Antibiotics Bacterial or viral infections can lead to exacerbations, like intensified coughing, mucus production, and shortness of breath. Antibiotics can help. Supplemental Oxygen If you have severe COPD and low levels of oxygen in your blood, you may require extra oxygen, or oxygen therapy, which is oxygen from a tank that’s provided through nasal prongs or a mask. This can help protect your organs from damage, improve your sleep, and help you become more active with fewer symptoms. RELATED: 12 Ways to Breathe Better With COPD

Participate in a pulmonary rehabilitation program. These personalized treatment programs typically combine COPD education, breathing strategies, exercise training, nutrition advice, and psychological counseling. Their goal is to help you stay active and carry out your everyday activities and improve your well-being. Talk to your doctor about referral to a program.Get vaccinated. Respiratory infections are more dangerous when you have COPD. It’s especially important that you get all the recommended shots to prevent COVID-19, flu, and pneumonia.Avoid lung irritants. The lungs of people with COPD are sensitive to certain irritating substances in the air. In addition to quitting smoking, also avoid exposure to secondhand smoke, exhaust fumes, strong perfumes, cleaning products, paint or varnish, excessive dust, and pollution.Eat a healthy diet. Your body uses food as fuel for all of its activities, and that includes breathing. Talk to your doctor and a registered dietitian about diet changes that may help ease your COPD symptoms and increase your energy. Eating well can also help you maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight will make breathing even more difficult, while being underweight can leave you feeling weak and tired and more prone to lung infections.

RELATED: 7 Ways to Ease Emphysema Symptoms There are three basic types of surgical options for COPD treatment: Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS) This involves removing a portion of diseased lung tissue, then joining together the remaining tissue. It can help relieve pressure on the breathing muscles and improve lung elasticity and gas exchange, but only a small subset of patients are candidates for this procedure. Bullectomy People with a specific type of emphysema called bullous emphysema develop “air bubbles” (called bullae) due to the destruction of the walls between the air sacs in their lungs. In a bullectomy, the surgeon removes these bubbles. Surgeons typically operate on people who are struggling with symptoms despite treatment, or who have large areas of involvement in the lungs. Additional reporting by Julia Califano.