We all know that change is hard, especially when it comes to eating habits, and especially when you’re trying to cook for a family. “There is really a massive amount of research about the Mediterranean diet,” Dr. Feuerstein says. “The research states that it reduces risk of heart disease and reduces risk of stroke. This is really the diet that we should be keeping to.” Other foods that are part of a Mediterranean diet include whole grains, poultry and eggs in moderation, fish oils and plant oils, and very little dairy. Fortunately for Herlyn, who needs to prepare meals in advance for herself and her family, Chef Green’s recipes, like the zucchini egg bakes, can be cooked ahead on a weekend day and stored in the fridge to grab and go for the week. A busy parent may also struggle to find time to exercise, an important part of keeping your heart healthy. In this episode, we are joined by Brandicus Coleman, an exercise physiologist in the cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation center at Northwest Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, who’ll talk about an easy-to-follow exercise program to strengthen the heart muscle and put those calories from healthy food to good use.