Typically, tonsillitis resolves itself with or without antibiotics in less than a week. These cases are considered acute tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is considered chronic when the symptoms last more than two weeks. (2) Though there’s no clear consensus, recurrent (or “frequent”) tonsillitis is often defined by experts in the following way: (3)

More than seven episodes in one yearMore than five episodes during a two-year periodMore than three episodes a year during a three-year period

RELATED: Everything You Need to Know When It Comes to Sore Throats Usually, tonsillitis is caused by a virus rather than bacteria. (4) Most of the time the cause of tonsillitis is exposure-related, meaning you’re at higher risk if you’re exposed to more viruses, says Dr. Rowan. “If you’re an elementary school teacher and you’re exposed to lots of little kids running around and carrying viruses then you’re more likely to get sick than a person who has [his or her] own office or cubicle,” he says. Avoiding germs by frequent hand-washing and not sharing cups or food can help with avoiding tonsillitis, too, by avoiding exposure to the viruses and bacteria that can cause the infection. (5) RELATED: At-Home Tips for Managing Tonsillitis  Children are also more likely than adults to have a viral infection, Rowan adds. “Just as a child is more likely to have a common cold, they are more likely to have a sore throat [or tonsillitis],” he says. They can be a sign of cancer of the throat or tonsils, particularly if the person has a history of tobacco use. Rowan says either scenario is unlikely (as those conditions are not common), but it is still important to rule them out if someone is experiencing symptoms. “It is of the utmost importance that they get checked to rule out this possibility,” he says. RELATED: Complications That Can Result From Tonsillitis  If frequent tonsillitis hasn’t reached that threshold then watchful waiting is suggested, along with taking steps to prevent tonsillitis from recurring (including practicing good hygiene) and otherwise managing tonsillitis as usual when infections do occur. (5) RELATED: How Doctors Diagnose and Treat Tonsillitis Although it is more typical for children to get their tonsils removed, adults can benefit from having a tonsillectomy, too. Rowan says his threshold for considering the risks and benefits of tonsillectomy for adults is if someone has four or more infections in a year. Tonsillectomy may also be considered if frequent cases of tonsillitis cause obstructive sleep apnea or difficulty breathing. (5) Beyond the number of episodes of tonsillitis, Rowan says he also weighs the effects that frequent tonsillitis can have. “I potentially start to think about removing the tonsils when frequent tonsillitis severely impacts somebody’s quality of life,” he says. The burden of frequent tonsillitis can include the following, Rowan notes:

Missing days of school or workMultiple courses of antibioticsOther prescription medicationExperiencing painful or uncomfortable symptoms repeatedly or continuously Chronic Tonsillitis and Recurrent Tonsillitis  What to Know - 77