What Is Turmeric Good For?

A member of the ginger family, turmeric is a flowering plant native to India, prized for its bright color, nutty flavor, and the medicinal qualities of its active ingredient, curcumin. When properly prepared, turmeric’s root stem (rhizome) imparts a golden hue to fabrics and foods and adds a savory tang to popular Indian and Asian dishes, from curries to kormas. But it’s turmeric’s purported curative powers that attract the most attention. The plant has long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to “tone” blood, relieve digestive ailments, control breathing problems, improve rheumatism, diminish pain, and fight fatigue. New research suggests that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Some researchers suspect that it’s some of these qualities that may make it helpful to people with HIV and AIDS. RELATED: 8 Flavor-Packed Turmeric Tea Recipes to Try

Is Turmeric Helpful to Someone With HIV or AIDS?

Whether it truly improves life for people living with HIV (PLWH), though, depends on whom you ask. A study by researchers at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bangalore, India, for instance, reported that curcumin added to HIV-infected laboratory cells stopped the virus from replicating. A review in the Cochrane Database, however, which looked at nine studies evaluating the potential benefit of turmeric to people with HIV or AIDS, was unable to find a study that replicated those findings, or any benefits at all. In one study in the review, for instance, curcumin did not reduce the viral load of HIV in 40 HIV-infected patients, nor did it improve the number of CD4 cells (immune cells) circulating in the patients’ systems. All were small studies, however. Based on the evidence thus far, the advice for turmeric with regard to HIV and AIDS is caveat emptor — let the buyer beware. The official stance of the National Institutes of Health Center for Comprehensive and Alternative Health is that the claim that turmeric can reduce HIV inflammation is “not supported by strong studies.” “Right now, we feel that turmeric offers no proven benefit for people living with HIV,” says Amanda Willig RD, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham. RELATED: 12 Scientific Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

One Possible Problem: Absorption

Some experts wonder, however, whether turmeric’s poor performance in studies may be a result of the fact that the body is known to have a hard time absorbing and metabolizing it. An article published in February 2016 in Scientific Reports, for instance, blamed “poor systemic bioavailability” for turmeric’s failure to yield potent pharmacological effects, leaving open the possibility that the right concentrations, dosages, and formulations may lead to better results. “Less than 5 percent of turmeric is actually curcumin and, because of the way our bodies use it, only about 25 percent of that small percentage is actually used,” says Dr. Willig. The same issues affect turmeric and curcumin supplements. “In the over-the-counter capsules, the amounts aren’t regulated. So you can’t assume there’s any curcumin present. And if there is, it’s logical to assume you’re not absorbing enough to affect your body,” warns Willig. “Scientists are looking at analogs to curcumin that won’t break down and could have an effect,” says Willig. One study published in 2015 in the journal Drug Design, Development, and Theory found that a derivative of turmeric — curcumin A — achieved better stability and inhibited the HIV virus in the laboratory. RELATED: Can Turmeric Help Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis?

Trying Turmeric for HIV or AIDS

Meanwhile, for those who still swear by turmeric — or just want to try it out — consuming the spice is fine and should have no negative effects. “In incredibly high amounts, well beyond what people could consume anyway, it’s possible to impact the kidneys,” says Willig. But the vast majority of curcumin washes out as waste. The best way to incorporate curcumin, in the absence of an easily absorbable product, is by adding it into your daily diet. Add about 2 ½ teaspoons of turmeric to dishes such as eggs, soups, teas, roasted vegetables, or even to smoothies. Pepper and healthy fats (coconut or olive oil or nuts) improve absorption. RELATED: Why You Should Combine Turmeric and Black Pepper