Aromatherapy, or the use of naturally derived aromatic oils from various plants as a health and wellness aid, is another option to try.

Aromatherapy May Help You Manage Ulcerative Colitis

“Studies have shown that ingredients in essential oils used in aromatherapy may have anti-inflammatory or analgesic [pain-relieving] properties, and some may help boost your mood and energy,” says Hallie Armstrong, ND, a naturopathic physician at Beaumont Health in West Bloomfield, Illinois. “It may be that these properties can help you manage symptoms, like pain and fatigue, that come with UC.” There is research to support the effectiveness of aromatherapy in treating a range of medical conditions. A review published in August 2015 in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine found that essential oils extracted from plant parts may reduce inflammation, relieve symptoms of indigestion, and treat skin infections, among other benefits. However, it’s important to note that most studies have been done in animals, so the findings may not translate to humans. More robust studies in people are needed to determine if the health claims around essential oils hold true. Still, if you’d like to give essential oils a try, they may enhance your overall well-being if used in a safe way. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns before, after, or while using essential oils.

How to Use Essential Oils for Ulcerative Colitis

Most essential oils should not be ingested. Instead, you can try adding a few drops of an essential oil to a neutral carrier oil, such as jojoba, and massaging that into your stomach. Or you can pour the oil into an aromatherapy diffuser to enhance well-being through inhalation of essential oils.

Which Essential Oils Might Help Soothe Colitis Symptoms?

There’s some evidence that the following oils can help alleviate UC symptoms: Patchouli Used as a medicinal aid in Eastern cultures for centuries, patchouli oil may be helpful for ulcerative colitis sufferers. A study published in July 2017 in the journal Pharmacological Research found that in mice with induced colitis, patchouli (in the form of patchouli alcohol administered orally) suppressed inflammation and ameliorated symptoms. Peppermint Oil This aromatic oil helps with general digestive symptoms, mostly because it has anti-spasmodic (soothing) properties. It can also ease complaints like gas and bloating, says Dr. Armstrong. In fact, a review published in 2019 in the journal BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies concluded that peppermint oil is a safe and effective way to ease gastrointestinal pain. Peppermint can be sold as oil or as a supplement that you take orally. If using peppermint as a supplement, Armstrong says to be sure you choose enteric-coated capsules for best absorption. Turmeric Oil You may know and use this spice, often enjoyed in Indian dishes, but turmeric can also be used as an essential oil. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, a key factor in ulcerative colitis. Research published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found that oil of turmeric offers significant anti-inflammatory properties. Several small studies in humans, including one published May 2020 in Phytotherapy Research, have found that curcumin, taken in supplement form, may help ease symptoms of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis. And a meta-analysis published in November 2019 in Annals of Gastroenterology noted that curcumin, when combined with the UC medicine mesalamine, produces a better clinical response. Lavender Oil There’s some evidence to suggest that lavender oil may promote better sleep. Research published in July 2015 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that inhaled lavender combined with sleep hygiene — such as going to bed at a regular time and avoiding food, alcohol, and caffeine before bed — was more effective at improving sleep quality than sleep hygiene alone. As a study published in January 2020 in Scientific Reports reveals, as many as two-thirds of people with IBD experience trouble with sleep, so adding lavender oil to your routine may help you get much-needed rest.

What to Know Before You Try Essential Oils for Colitis

Finally, notes Armstrong, be sure the oil you buy is pure. To find out, “release a drop on a white piece of paper. After it evaporates, a pure oil won’t leave a stain.” Also, she adds, don’t stop taking medication, and tell your doctor about any essential oils or supplements you may try. Any alternative therapy is a complementary therapy, which means that it should work alongside your conventional treatment. Check with your doctor before trying any alternative therapy, including aromatherapy, says Armstrong. Additional reporting by Ashley Welch.