What’s Apple Cider Vinegar, and Why Are People So Crazy About It?

Apple cider vinegar (or ACV, as it’s sometimes called) has been around for millennia, but in recent years, it’s gained traction as one of the most popular diet fads on the market. You could even say it’s secured superfood status at this point, says Claire Martin, RD, a nutritionist and the cofounder of Being Healthfull in Oakland, California. Celebrities such as Katy Perry, Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kate Walsh, and Jennifer Aniston have spoken about their love of apple cider vinegar, which has helped generate buzz around the additive. Michelle Jaelin, a Hamilton, Ontario–based registered dietitian and the president of NutritionArtist.com, suspects apple cider vinegar is also popular because Americans are more and more interested in and accepting of natural health remedies. Plus, there’s the fact that the apple cider vinegar diet is easy to follow compared with other fad diets. It doesn’t require a lifestyle overhaul, which is why, Jaelin says, many think of it as a “magical elixir.”

What Is the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet?

The diet centers on apple cider vinegar, which is low in calories and contains B vitamins, Martin says. “B vitamins are a building block for good health, playing a key role in keeping you energized and with a good metabolism,” Martin says. You can buy apple cider vinegar at most grocery stores or online. Just be sure to reach for the kind labeled “with the mother.” The mother is the combination of yeast and bacteria that forms during the fermentation process, according to University of Chicago Medicine, and before you drink it, you’ll want to give your vinegar a shake, because the mother tends to settle at the bottom of the bottle. You may still notice strands of it floating in the solution, and that’s okay. You’ll want this included because it’s supposedly a digestion-aiding probiotic (the proposed benefits of the “mother” are not supported by research at this point). (1) The premise of the apple cider vinegar diet is to simply increase your intake of the rosy-hued additive. Some people do it by drinking vinegar straight or diluted in water, usually at mealtimes, while others make a point to use it regularly in their meals. “Expecting that only drinking [apple cider vinegar] would lead to weight loss without making diet or lifestyle changes is expecting magic from an otherwise useful tool,” she says. She recommends thinking of apple cider vinegar as a supplement that can benefit digestion and your metabolism rather than viewing it as a cure-all. (2) The trouble is that evidence supporting apple cider vinegar’s benefits is limited, Jaelin says. “Most of the benefits are still inconclusive and are based on stories rather than scientific studies,” she says. Another study, published in Nature Communications, found that acetic acid — which is in apple cider vinegar and all other vinegars — acts as an appetite regulator, which in turn may lead to weight loss. (4) A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that while vinegar can reduce feelings of hunger, that’s mainly because it’s unappetizing and makes people feel nauseated. (5,6) Finally, a review published in Nutrition Reviews found that while some studies have shown vinegars can help decrease obesity, there’s no conclusive evidence that vinegar can positively affect metabolism, which affects body weight. (7) The researchers concluded that large long-term trials are needed before definitive health claims can be made. Another negative is that apple cider vinegar can be tough to swallow, given its sour taste and pungent smell, says Rebecca Park, a registered nurse in New York City and the founder of the natural health resource RemediesForMe.com. A study published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism found that ingesting vinegar with a meal that’s high in complex carbohydrates reduced post-meal glucose levels by 20 percent. (8) And a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods found that 1 tbsp of vinegar taken with a meal twice a day reduced fasting blood glucose concentrations among people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. (9) The lead researcher credits acetic acid for the positive change and says that all vinegars — not just apple cider vinegar — deliver these benefits. More recently, a review published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine concluded that apple cider vinegar can lead to small improvements in blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes, though larger trials are needed to prove its effectiveness as a treatment option. (10) Just can’t stomach it? You’re in luck. There’s a slew of new products that aim to make it easy for you to get your apple cider vinegar fix, though it’s unclear whether these options produce the same benefits of plain apple cider vinegar. Trader Joe’s sells a product called Organic Sparking Apple Cider Drinking Vinegar that includes 1 ounce (or 2 tbsp) of apple cider vinegar per serving; Goli Nutrition launched apple cider vinegar gummies; and the Australian company Tonik sells apple cider vinegar supplements through Goop and other sites. If you decide to increase your intake of apple cider vinegar, Jaelin suggests eating more salads that are topped with a dressing made from apple cider vinegar and oil. “This will increase vegetable intake, which is helpful for weight loss, and will also get in the vinegar you want,” she says. No matter what, don’t think of apple cider vinegar as weight-loss magic, Martin cautions. Though it may aid in digestion and increase satiety, it should always be in addition to — and not instead of — a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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