At least, that was the case for me. Here are the five books that helped me most when I was newly diagnosed with Crohn’s. They all helped me better understand what Crohn’s disease is and how I can better support my body — nutritionally and emotionally — to achieve remission. Most of these books have also helped plenty of other people I know in the IBD community, including those with ulcerative colitis (UC). Like just about every book, though, for every five to 10 readers who loved it, someone else is critical of it. (There’s always a little drama in the autoimmune world!) I found my own balance using the dietary and spiritual advice in these books to craft a lifestyle that works for me. The reality is, we’re all wired differently, so my best advice is to read it all, try what you like, and follow your gut — no pun intended. These are the five best books about Crohn’s disease I’ve read so far.

1. If you’re looking for general advice … 

Crohn’s & Colitis: Understanding & Managing IBD by Hillary Steinhart, MD If you don’t know where to start, start here. Crohn’s & Colitis: Understanding & Managing IBD is a must-read for anyone who’s been newly diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or UC. The book teaches you the basics of Crohn’s and UC, while breaking down the latest research on medications and alternative treatments.

2. If you’re looking for a feel-good read …

Food Saved Me: My Journey of Finding Health and Hope Through the Power of Food by Danielle Walker Chances are, you’re familiar with Danielle Walker, and if you’re not, I suggest looking her up! As someone with IBD (she was diagnosed with UC), Walker has been sharing her Paleo and Specific Carbohydrate Diet recipes on her website and Instagram account for years. This book details her journey to find healing as she battles her disease. I related to a lot of the experiences Walker has had — especially as a mother — and appreciated her open, honest way of talking. Gottschall’s diet was designed specifically for people with Crohn’s disease or UC, but it can also be used by people with other digestive conditions. In a nutshell, the idea of this diet is to change your gut microbiome so it hosts good bacteria instead of bad (which contributes to some of the intestinal distress felt with IBD), which may help lower inflammation levels and boost your odds of achieving remission. It was one of the first diets I tried after a 10-day stay in the hospital, and I have to say, it worked! That said, while I did experience relief, I find it to be a little restrictive, which makes it hard to keep up with. Today, I tend to use this diet whenever I’m in a bad flare.

4. If you’re looking for a science-backed approach … 

The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne, PhD Combing through studies isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time, but Dr. Ballantyne’s passion for research makes this book incredibly interesting — really!. A scientist with a PhD in medical biophysics, she details her own experiences living with an autoimmune disorder and what she found while researching the subject. Her work led her to create the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, which is an elimination diet intended to remove inflammatory foods and boost healing with nutrient-dense foods. Yes, it can be a bit textbookish at times (which appealed to the nerd in me), and some people find it to be a bit too restrictive, but trust me when I say that it is beloved by many in the IBD community.

5. If you’re looking for a self-help read …

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay  This book introduced me to the self-help world. Hay focuses heavily on healing past traumas, the power of affirmation, and finding your role in why and how things happen in your life. The book offers exercises that help foster healing, forgiveness, self-love, and acceptance. Admittedly, it’s not for everyone: Some people find it to be triggering, while others find it to be healing. If you have an open mind and are looking to take on some self-reflective inner work, I’d recommend giving it a try. I still use some of the practices in this book, but I’ll be the first to admit that some others never resonated with me.

The Bottom Line

After years of reading dozens of books, doing hours of research, and talking to people in my IBD community, my biggest takeaway is this: Give yourself some grace. Every person is different, and as you explore what might work for you, know, too, that it can change over time. A diet that works for you one year may not work the next, or a healing practice that you didn’t connect with last month may suddenly resonate with you now. We’re all constantly evolving and figuring out what works for us. I found many of the answers I was looking for in these books — and I hope you do, too. — Additional reporting by Blake Miller