My doctors and I attribute my first symptom of MS when I was 22 years of age, but my official diagnosis didn’t come until I was 35. I’m not blaming my doctors; hell, I’m not even sure that I would have wanted to know then. My symptoms were so random and, for the most part, nothing but a curiosity or a nuisance. A little buzzing in my neck from time to time, stiffness and weakness in an arm or hand, LOADS of stumbles and broken glassware were as bad as it got for a long time. Then, of course, there was the big one that caused me to go to the doctor. I just stated that I’m not sure I would have wanted to know when I was 22. I mainly say that because there were no drugs back then, I was riding a pretty successful career in the U.S. Coast Guard and I had a full life ahead. What would I have gained knowing that I had MS? I know for a fact that I would have been medically discharged from the service. I’m not sure I would have taken on the challenges of Culinary School. Would I have done a fraction of the things I can now look back upon with a real feeling of accomplishment? I know the point is moot; I didn’t know about MS and that’s that. Still, the idea that so many linger in a state of knowing that something is wrong and no professional is putting a finger on it is frustrating. Today, we do have drug therapies, we do have rehab that can work and we have support. Today, people are diagnosed at what seems to be a faster rate than before. The figures I’ve seen for diagnoses of patients with just one lesion are an indicator that we’re catching MS faster. Still, we read in these pages of people who think they have MS but no docs will support their feelings. We see comments from people looking for answers to questions they can’t even formulate. You continue to offer these souls council and support drawn from your very personal wells of experience. I applaud you all. So let’s hear stories of your traipse from onset to diagnosis. I think they’ll help many of those who look to our community for insight. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis