A growth known as an actinic keratosis — a scaly, crusty skin patch — can result from exposure to the sun. More than 10 million Americans are believed to have one or more actinic keratoses and, besides being unsightly, they put you at risk for skin cancer.

Symptoms of Actinic Keratoses

An actinic keratosis most often develops on an area of skin that receives frequent sun exposure, such as your:


An actinic keratosis starts out small — you might feel it before you see it because the little skin patch feels much rougher than the surrounding skin. They slowly grow up to a quarter of an inch in diameter, and they may become red, tan, brown, or pink in color. An actinic keratosis can itch and develop a tender or prickly sensation; it also can become inflamed or bleed. Current studies show that about 10 percent of actinic keratoses will advance to a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell skin cancer, as opposed to basal cell carcinoma, moves quickly and can invade nearby tissues. In rare cases, it can even metastasize to other body areas.  

Causes and Risk Factors

  Actinic keratoses are caused by years of sun exposure. They form due to ultraviolet (UV) light damage to the skin cells called keratinocytes, which make up 90 percent of the outermost layer of your skin, the epidermis. People at risk for developing actinic keratosis include: Seniors: Actinic keratoses develop due to lifetime sun exposure, making the growths more likely as you become older. They are much more common in people over age 50, and chances are that everyone over age 80 has at least one such growth somewhere. People with less pigment in their skin: Those with fair skin are at greater risk because they have less protective pigment and are more likely to have been sunburned. If you have blonde or red hair, or eyes that are blue, green, or gray, you are at high risk. People with immune deficiencies: If your immune system has been suppressed by disease or medical treatment, your body is less able to repair the damage done by sun exposure. People undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, taking medication to keep their bodies from rejecting an organ transplant, or who are infected with the HIV virus are also at higher risk.

Treatment Options

A number of treatments are available to remove an actinic keratosis: Cryosurgery: Your doctor will freeze the growth using liquid nitrogen or some other extremely cold substance. The frozen skin patch will die and flake off, and will be replaced by fresh, healthy skin. This is the treatment most often used. Laser surgery: Doctors can use a laser beam to cut out the growth. This precision technique is particularly effective for actinic keratosis located in narrow areas, particularly on the face. Chemical peel: Acids are applied to the rough lesions, causing them to peel off and be replaced by new skin. Topical medications: Prescription creams are available that can attack the growths, either by destroying the damaged cells or prompting the immune system to target them. Most of these medications must be used for long periods of time and can cause reddening and mild discomfort, but are very effective. Photodynamic therapy: A light-sensitizing solution is applied to the growths. When exposed to strong light, the activated solution destroys the lesions. Surgical removal: Doctors can use a scalpel to shave away the actinic keratosis lesion. Doctors often will combine some of these treatments to make sure the actinic keratosis has been totally removed.

How to Prevent Actinic Keratosis

To prevent an actinic keratosis, as well as any type of skin cancer, take steps to limit sun exposure:

Stay indoors or in the shade during the hours the sun is strongest, usually from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.Shield skin by wearing sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats.Apply sunscreen whenever outside, even if it’s a cloudy day. Sunscreen should have a sun protection factor of 30 or higher and be reapplied every few hours.

And if you’re tempted to use a tanning bed, resist the lure — those ultraviolet lights can cause the same damage as the sun.