It’s low-impact (read: easy on joints) and works the whole body. It’s also an aerobic exercise that’s great for people of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels, counting toward the target of 150 minutes of weekly aerobic exercise for optimal health, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (PDF). If you haven’t been in the pool in a while — or if you’ve never ventured down to the lap lanes — here’s everything you need to know about making swimming a workout. There are four basic strokes you can try: backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke, and freestyle. If you want to start simple, you can go with the breaststroke. If you don’t want to put your face in the water, try backstroke, says Mike Koleber, head coach at Nitro Swim Club in Cedar Park, Texas, and president of the American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA). Or grab a kickboard (most pools offer these) and simply practice kicking for your first workout. Hug the kickboard to your chest and kick gently on your stomach or back, depending on your preference. “That’d be a great first day for a beginner,” Koleber says. And if you don’t know how to swim, or it’s been a while since you’ve tried swimming, you might benefit from swimming lessons, Koleber adds. Many health clubs and community centers offer adult learn-to-swim programs. You can also search online for a swim school, instructor, or program in your area. Don’t despair if you need to stop midway through a lap or if you can’t complete four laps in your first workout. Do what you can and be proud of what you’ve accomplished. “What’s important is that you’re not discouraged, and that you come back the next day and do your best again,” Koleber says.

Swimsuit Choose a style you feel comfortable wearing, but keep in mind that loose-fitting, baggy suits will weigh you down, Koleber says. So look for a swimsuit that fits snug. For men, Koleber recommends a suit style known as “jammers” (they look like bike shorts) rather than loose-fitting swim trunks. For women, simply choose a swimsuit that provides the coverage you prefer. Whichever suit you settle on, remember to rinse it off with fresh water after each workout. “It’ll last a lot longer if you do that,” Koleber says.Swimming Cap The chlorine in swimming pools can be very damaging to hair — especially light and color-treated hair — so if you’d like to protect your hair from your pool workouts, invest in a swimming cap, Koleber says. A swimming cap can also safeguard your hair from salt water if you prefer swimming in the ocean. There are Lycra (a type of fabric) caps, which keep the hair out of your eyes, but won’t protect your hair from water. Another type is latex caps, which are typically thinner and cheaper. These will protect your hair, but can be tough to put on and take off. To make the process easier, and prevent the cap from sticking together when it’s not on your head, Koleber recommends drying it out and then sprinkling some baby powder inside. A thicker, more expensive type of cap is silicone. “These tend to be a little more comfortable, and they tend to last longer,” Koleber says.Swimming Goggles A great-fitting pair of swimming goggles can help you see better underwater and keep irritating pool chemicals and salt water out of your eyes. But you don’t want big, scuba-style goggles covering your nose, Koleber says. Instead, look for a pair that covers the eyes and fits snugly but comfortably. “You should be able to put goggles on your face, shake your head around, and there should be no water entering,” he says. If there is water, you’ll have to adjust the nosepiece or the strap or try a different pair. Koleber also recommends Speedo, Arena, and TYR goggles. Many of these brands also offer prescription goggles if you need them.Fins Swimming fins are optional but can help you work your legs more and propel you through the water. They’re available in three lengths: long, medium, and short. Long-blade fins are great for beginners and help swimmers learn to kick from the hip, according to USMS. Medium-blade fins tend to be the most versatile, whereas short-blade fins are ideal for speed work. The fins should be snug fitting but not too tight.Waterproof Headphones If you like listening to music while you exercise, consider buying a pair of waterproof headphones you can wear in the pool.

Don’t swim alone. No matter your experience or fitness level, you should never swim alone. “You never know what can happen,” Koleber says. You can pass out, hit your head on a buoy or the edge of the pool, or have a medical emergency like a heart attack. So you should always swim with a friend or in a pool with a lifeguard on duty.Be visible. Whether you’re swimming indoors or outdoors, it’s always a good idea to be as visible as possible. Opt for brightly-colored swim caps and swimsuits. And if you’re swimming in a lake, river, or ocean, you need a safety buoy, Koleber says. A safety buoy is a brightly-colored, inflatable device that attaches to your waist with a belt so it trails behind your feet. It makes you more visible to boats and other swimmers. It also gives you something to hold onto if you need to take a break.Start slow and build up gradually. Easing into your swimming workouts will help keep muscle soreness to a minimum. Begin with two to three swim workouts per week, and don’t expect to break any speed or distance records. “It might be that you can only make it halfway across the pool before you need to take a break, and that’s okay,” Koleber says. “Stand up, pull up to the wall, or have a seat, and then go another half-length.” Know that it will take time to build your fitness and skill with swimming.Check water quality. Natural bodies of water can be great places to swim. However, they can carry germs that can make you sick or cause an infection if you get in the water with an open wound, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Before you jump in a lake, river, or ocean, check online to find out if the area is being monitored, is under advisory, or has been closed for health or safety reasons. Start with CDC’s online search tool.

Though swimming is generally a safe activity for people of many ages and fitness abilities, be sure to consult with your physician if you have any medical condition or injury that might interfere. And avoid swimming if you have just had surgery, have open wounds, or don’t have the strength to do the strokes, Dr. Slabaugh says. “The beauty of swimming is that it can be done at a very leisurely pace and the variety of strokes make it ideal for patients with loss of motion, mild weakness, and joint pain,” he adds. “You want to get moving a little bit, get your blood flowing, and get your heart rate up a little bit,” Koleber says. This will warm up your muscles and joints, which will help you move better once you’re in the water. Slabaugh recommends stretching out the shoulders — particularly the backs of the shoulders — before your workout. Try crossing one arm across your chest and holding it there with the opposite hand for 30 seconds so you feel a stretch in the back of the shoulder. Repeat with the other arm. You can also do the standing windmill stretch to target the back and hamstrings: Set your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and point both arms out to the side to create a “T.” With your legs straight, bend and twist at the waist to reach your right hand to touch your left foot. Return to standing and repeat on the opposite side. Alternate for 5 to 10 reps per side. After warming up on dry land, get in the water and do a couple of laps at a slow pace. You can practice different strokes, walk through the water, or hug a kickboard (most pools have these available for use) under your chin and kick gently on your back, Koleber says. Once you’re ready to begin training on your own, shoot for two to three (up to four) swim workouts per week. Give yourself a day off between sessions so your body has time to recover before swimming again. Odds are you won’t be able to swim the entire workout nonstop — and that’s okay. Gagne recommends breaking up each workout into intervals. After a warmup, swim 25 yards (the length of a standard pool), and rest until you feel ready to go again. Repeat that for four total intervals during your first workout. “Then, each subsequent workout in the pool, add two to four laps,” Slabaugh says. To pace yourself, aim to work at an intensity that gets your muscles warm and heart rate up, but isn’t so challenging that you can’t complete the workout. Think no more than a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, Gagne says, where one is the equivalent of sitting still, and 10 is an all-out sprint. As you gain strength and fitness, you’ll be able to swim for longer intervals before taking a break. For the first month, however, just focus on your technique and doing the workouts the best you can. Supplement your swimming with two days of strength training per week, focusing on all the major muscle groups (including the abdominal and core, arm and upper body, and glute and other leg muscles), Gagne says. (Or if you prefer, strength train up to four days per week, adding 20- to 30-minute strength training sessions before your lap workout.)

Week 1

Day 1 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 4 times total Day 2 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 3 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 6 times total Day 4 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes, or rest Day 5 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 8 times total Day 6 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 7 Rest

Week 2

Day 1 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 10 times total Day 2 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 3 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 12 times total Day 4 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes, or rest Day 5 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 14 times total Day 6 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 7 Rest

Week 3

Day 1 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 16 times total Day 2 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 3 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 18 times total Day 4 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes, or rest Day 5 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 20 times total Day 6 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 7 Rest

Week 4

Day 1 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 22 times total Day 2 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 3 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 24 times total Day 4 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes, or rest Day 5 Swim 25 yards, rest; repeat 26 times total Day 6 Strength train, 30 to 45 minutes Day 7 Rest