“Too often, if someone isn’t seeing the same doctor routinely, these important tests can get overlooked,” says Diana Aby-Daniel, PA-C, a physician assistant at the Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health Center at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. “Many diabetes complications are preventable if they’re found early with one of these routine tests.” The following eight diabetes exams and tests will help you get the health care you need:

  1. A1C test. This key blood test measures your average blood sugar levels over the previous two or three months, which lets your doctor know how well your blood sugar is being controlled. You should get this test twice a year, if not more often, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). “Try to get your A1C results below or as close to 7 percent as possible,” says George L. King, MD, director of research and head of the section on vascular cell biology at Joslin Diabetes Center and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Talk to your doctor about the A1C goal that’s right for you. You can get this test through your primary care doctor.
  2. Blood pressure checks. Diabetes makes you more likely to have high blood pressure, which can put you at increased risk for stroke and heart attack. Have your blood pressure checked every time you see your primary care doctor, Dr. King says.
  3. Cholesterol test. Because having diabetes increases your risk of heart disease, it’s important to have a blood test to check your cholesterol as part of your annual exam or more frequently if your cholesterol levels are high.
  4. Foot exam. Half of all people with diabetes will lose feeling in their feet and lower extremities, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association. Be sure to get a complete foot exam at every office visit, the ADA recommends. Your doctor will check your reflexes and check your feet for calluses, infections, sores, and loss of feeling. Your primary care doctor can do the exam, but if there’s a problem, such as an ulcer, it’s time to see a podiatrist, King says.
  5. Eye exam. Get a yearly eye exam from an ophthalmologist, who will dilate your eyes to see if high blood sugar has damaged blood vessels. Checking for early signs of glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy can help preserve your vision, the ADA says.
  6. Kidney test. The microalbumin test measures the amount of albumin, a protein, in your urine and compares it to the level of creatinine, a waste product. The ratio of albumin to creatinine lets your doctor know if your kidneys are functioning properly. Get this test at least once a year. It can be done by your primary care doctor.
  7. Dental exam. Gum disease is a lesser-known complication of diabetes. When it’s serious, it can make it harder for you to control your blood sugar and cause infections and other health problems. See your dentist for a regular cleaning every six months and stay on top of your dental health with self-care like flossing and brushing daily, King says.
  8. Electrocardiogram. Because the symptoms of heart disease tend to be unusual in people with diabetes and may be hard to recognize, King says that if you’re over age 50, talk with your doctor about having an electrocardiogram to check your heart health. People with diabetes might have numbness or an odd feeling in the jaw, chest, or arms, he says, rather than chest pain.

Building Your Health Care Team

Working with your diabetes management team to coordinate your care can help ensure you’re getting all the tests and checkups you need. Your care will most likely begin with your primary care doctor, but it’s important to build a team of providers, which may also include a certified diabetes educator, a dietitian, an ophthalmologist, podiatrist, and dentist. Your health care team may need to include other specialists, such as a nephrologist for kidney problems, according to Joslin Diabetes Center. Since diabetes can cause bacterial and fungal infections along with other skin conditions, you may need a dermatologist too, the ADA says. You can continue seeing your primary care doctor for diabetes care, but if the disease progresses to the point where you need two or more drugs to control it, King recommends seeing an endocrinologist. How to keep track of it all? Ask your doctor for a log or find one online at a diabetes resource website, Aby-Daniel suggests. You may also be able to access your health records online to keep better track of your care. Taking these steps can make managing a complex condition like diabetes much easier.