And yet physical activity is vital to staying healthy — especially for people with psoriasis, who have an increased risk for heart attack, stroke, weight gain, and depression, according to Harvard Medical School. “Physical activity is important for every person’s health, whether they have psoriasis or not,” says Patrick B. Wilson, PhD, an associate professor of exercise science at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. “But it may be particularly impactful for people with psoriasis, as they tend to be at higher risk for a variety of conditions that are negatively affected by physical inactivity.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most adults should devote 30 minutes a day to moderate physical activity at last five times a week to stay healthy. Here are some ways to make sure you meet that goal even when your psoriasis threatens to sideline you.

Customize Your Routine

Having psoriasis can make certain types of activity especially difficult, such as those that create friction between adjacent areas of skin, says Jeffrey M. Sobell, MD, a dermatologist and director of phototherapy at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. When skin rubs together, plaques (lesions) can form and full-blown flares can occur. Psoriasis lesions sometimes can create challenges with mobility, too, as can psoriatic arthritis — inflammation in joints such as the hands, wrists, and spine that affects up to 30 percent of people with skin psoriasis, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF). In either case, keep in mind there’s more than one way to move a muscle and so it’s often possible to modify your workouts and get the same results. Work with a personal trainer — ideally one who has experience with people with psoriasis — who can show you effective modifications based on your abilities, especially if you have psoriatic arthritis. Your dermatologist may be able to recommend a trainer or, if you’re part of a psoriasis support group, other members may be able to help.

Recruit a Buddy

If you feel too self-conscious about your skin to join a class or work out in a gym, that’s understandable, but you don’t have to go it alone. Find a friend, family member, or colleague you feel comfortable around or recruit someone from your support group to work out with, even if it’s just a morning walk or weekend round of golf. Exercising with other people can help you stay motivated and more likely to stick with your fitness routine since you’ll be accountable to someone else if you don’t, according to the CDC. Exercising with a friend is more fun too.

Exercise at Home

If you prefer absolute privacy when you work out, there are plenty of ways to exercise without leaving your house. You don’t need fancy or expensive equipment either. A set of resistance bands and a yoga mat can be enough to get you started. Plus, there are hundreds of online fitness classes you can stream or download, many of which let you exercise with a group in real time — the best of both worlds if you’re self-conscious but love to socialize.

Give Your Feet a Rest

If you tend to develop lesions on your feet, don’t let sore soles trip you up. There are plenty of non-weight-bearing activities you can swap out for your daily run or Zumba class. Focus on your upper body in the weight room, take a restorative yoga class, or do a seated tai chi sequence. When your feet feel better you can switch back to your regular routine.

Go for a Swim

Swimming and other types of water exercise are ideal for people with painful conditions like psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, says Dr. Wilson. Working against the resistance of water builds strength and improves flexibility. Swimming in salt water is especially good because the salt can help slough off dead skin, adds Dr. Sobell. The chlorine and other harsh chemicals in a swimming pool, however, can irritate skin affected by psoriasis. Follow water workouts with a shower and moisturize all over as soon as you get out, while your skin is still damp. If you aren’t comfortable wearing a swimsuit around other people, find out when the pool you go to is least busy and get your laps in then.

Take Your Workout Outdoors — With Caution

Exposure to ultraviolet rays in small doses has been shown to help improve both skin psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, according to the NPF. That is, after all, the basis of phototherapy as a treatment for psoriasis. At the same time, even a minor sunburn can aggravate psoriasis and cause a flare. Overexposure to UV rays has also been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers for people who have psoriasis, including a type of skin cancer that involves the epidermis (upper layer) of the skin, according to a study published in October 2019 in the journal JAMA Dermatology. Note as well that having the chronic inflammation caused by psoriasis is thought to put people with the condition at an increased risk of skin cancer, as do certain treatments, including phototherapy and certain systemic medications that weaken the immune system. That said, if you like to exercise outdoors you can do so safely by taking the same precautions everyone should, according to the NPF. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 — preferably an unscented one labeled “broad spectrum” that’s formulated for sensitive skin and contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. It’s fine to slather sunscreen over lesions, but best not to put it on inflamed skin. Cover up as much skin as you comfortably can with lightweight, sweat-absorbing clothing and shield your face with a brimmed hat and sunglasses.

Listen to Your Body

It will tell you if what you’re doing might be harmful. If an activity causes pain or discomfort, stop doing it, Wilson advises. Whether you have psoriasis or not, ignoring physical pain could lead to an injury. If you feel working out is making your psoriasis worse, see your dermatologist. It may be you need to tweak your exercise routine, your treatment, or both. Above all, pay attention to how exercise makes you feel. If you aren’t having a good time doing one activity, find another. “The best exercise is one that you enjoy and look forward to doing,” Sobell says.