Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, or simply trying to cut back on meat, eating more plants may benefit heart health, prevent certain types of cancer, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and slow the rate of cognitive decline, says Kim Rose, RDN, a Lakeland, Florida–based consultant dietitian with food-tracking app Lose It!. This way of eating can be a boon to the environment, too. One review found greenhouse gas emissions resulting from vegan and ovolactovegetarian (a person who follows a vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy) diets are about 50 percent and 35 percent lower than meat-eating diets, respectively. “This is a major plus,” Rose says. “This lessened environmental impact preserves natural gases, helping to save the planet we live on.” Your wallet may also thank you for incorporating plant-based foods into your diet. Food prices are going up, and meat is no exception. According to the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), meat categories saw the highest relative price increase in 2020, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics (PDF) noted a 9 percent increase in the food indexes of meats, poultry and fish from September 2021 to September 2022. You don’t need to fully commit to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle to reap the benefits of more plant-based eating. These days, it’s easier than ever to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet. Adding these seven plant-based substitutes for common animal-based products is a great way to get started. From a nutritional perspective, dairy-free milk tends to have the same or slightly fewer calories than whole cow’s milk but is usually lower in fat and sugar, according to the American Society for Nutrition. Next time you’re in the grocery store, peruse the milk aisle — you’ll find this is often true, but ultimately that every type of dairy-free milk has a slightly different nutritional profile. Compare the nutrition information of the dairy and dairy-free milk options available in your local store to help you choose a milk that best suits your diet. One edge cow’s milk has over most dairy-free options is it’s a good source of protein, as data from the USDA suggests. “When looking at dairy-alternatives, I always try to emphasize the importance of finding one with similar protein content,” Scanniello says. Rose suggests soy or pea milk for comparable protein. Alternatively, if you’re concerned about carbohydrates, look for unsweetened cashew or almond milk, Rose says. Both will offer significantly fewer carbohydrates per serving than dairy milk. Scanniello also says it’s important to look for plant-based milks that have been fortified with calcium and vitamin D. She served an unsweetened pea-based milk to her daughter who had a milk allergy: “The pea-based milk had a protein content similar to that of dairy milk and was fortified with both calcium and vitamin D.” One more note: These milk alternatives will likely be more expensive than cow’s milk, according to the American Society for Nutrition.

2. Aquafaba, Flax Egg, or Just Egg Substitute for Egg

Potential reasons to choose a plant-based egg instead of one from chickens are for ethical concerns or an allergy, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Eggs are a common food allergy, so substituting a recipe with aquafaba or flax egg is a viable plant-forward option for cooking and baking,” Rose says. Never heard of aquafaba? Check your pantry. Aquafaba is the liquid that chickpeas are cooked and canned in, according to U.S. News & World Report. Since it contains only trace nutrients, it’s lower in calories, sodium, cholesterol, and fats than egg, and you can substitute it by tablespoons — 1 tablespoon (tbsp) for one yolk, 2 tbsp for one egg white, and 3 tbsp for a whole egg. A flax egg, meanwhile, incorporates flaxseed meal (ground flaxseeds) and water to make an egg substitute that offers protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. The recipe for a flax egg from Jessica in the Kitchen will show you how to get started. Flax eggs offer more nutritional value than aquafaba, and contain 37 calories, 2 milligrams (mg) sodium, 3 grams (g) fat, and no cholesterol, per the USDA. One large chicken’s egg has about 70 calories, 5 g of fat, 0.5 g carbohydrate, 6 g of protein, and 207 mg cholesterol, according to USDA. “On the other hand, the Just Egg brand substitute is a good [plant-based] grab-and-go egg replacer if you desire to have a fluffy egg-like texture for breakfast or lunch entrees,” Rose adds. It also has the most similar nutritional profile to real eggs. One serving of Just Egg contains 70 calories, 5 g of fat, 1 g carbohydrate, and 5 g of protein, according to the Just Egg website.

3. Jackfruit for Pulled Pork

Try jackfruit as a low-calorie substitute for pulled pork. Its chewy, slightly stringy texture makes it a simple swap. “I love incorporating jackfruit as it really does give a similar texture and appearance to pulled meat,” Scanniello says. It’ll also significantly cut down your calories. A 1-cup serving of pulled pork with barbecue sauce (about 249 g) has 418 calories, while a 1-cup serving of jackfruit (about 150 g) has 143 calories, according to the USDA. That being said, it’s not a perfect substitute: “Jackfruit does not contain enough protein to replace pulled pork or tofu, although it can be considered a great option if you are looking to adhere to Meatless Mondays,” Rose says.

4. Impossible or Beyond Meat for Ground Meat

You won’t have to look too far for a substitute for your burger addiction. You’ll find plant-based meat alternatives from Impossible Foods or Beyond Meat on grocery store shelves and even on fast-food menus across the country. You might be motivated to make the switch for environmental reasons. “Meat alternatives may be a better option than real meat because they are environmentally sustainable,” Rose says. “This is important, especially if you’re concerned about where the planet is headed.” But they’re not perfect: While plants are more sustainable than meat, meat alternative companies are not as pure as they seem to be. These companies are major food processors, after all, and production, packaging, and shipping to grocery stores takes a toll on the environment. What’s more, meat alternatives may not be a better option than a traditional beef patty when comparing nutrients, she adds. They have similar saturated fat levels, which in excess can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart issues or stroke, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). At the same time, a randomized crossover study suggested that participants’ cholesterol levels and weight were lower while eating a diet containing plant-meat than animal meat. (Keep in mind that Beyond Meat funded the study, though, and industry involvement in research on their products may influence the results, as Vox reported.) “If a client is looking to really cut back on red meat but really wants the mouthfeel and flavors of hamburger, I suggest Beyond Meat as it is lower in saturated fat, while still high in protein and vitamin B12,” Scanniello says. “If someone enjoys tinkering in the kitchen, I prefer recommending a less-processed approach and instead steer them in the direction of preparing their own black-bean-based hamburger patty.” You can find other homemade plant-burger options online.

5. Vegan Cheese Fortified With Protein and Calcium 

For some people toying with moving to a plant-based diet, the idea of giving up cheese is a dealbreaker. But here’s the good news: You don’t have to give it up entirely. If you’re eating plant-based for ethical reasons, you can occasionally swap in vegan cheese, which may use cashews, seeds, or tofu as its creamy base. Nutritionally, it’s hard to say which is better. Vegan cheese, particularly those made from potato starch, may save you fat and calories compared with conventional cheese, suggests Rose. But vegan cheese may also be lower in good-for-you nutrients such as protein and calcium. That’s why Scanniello isn’t a fan: “I have not found a vegan cheese where I love the nutrient profile,” she says. To protect your ticker, avoid coconut oil-based cheese, which is high in saturated fats and salts and not significantly lower in calories, according to one review. The review also suggested that cashew nut-based and tofu-based cheeses were lower in saturated fats, and that the latter were lower in calories.

6. Nondairy Ice Cream for Ice Cream

Have no fear, you can still indulge your late-night ice cream habit if you choose to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet. These days, there are plenty of dairy-free ice cream options to satisfy your sweet tooth. Brands like Halo Top and So Delicious use alternatives like soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, and oat milk to recreate the creamy texture of traditional ice cream. For those who shy away from ice cream to avoid the excess sugar and calories, dairy-free desserts could also be a way to enjoy a more healthful treat. With oat milk as the exception, all these dairy substitutes have less calories and sugar, according to the American Society for Nutrition. With the exception of hemp milk, nondairy milks also offer 25 to 63 percent of the fat of cow milk, per the American Society for Nutrition, which is a plus health-wise. The lower the fat content, the lower the effect on your cholesterol, per the American Heart Association (AHA). Animal-based foods, including dairy products like butter, full-fat milk, and ice cream, generally contain more saturated fat than unprocessed, plant-based food. In excess, saturated fat can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease, so the AHA recommends limiting your consumption of these fats. Cutting back on saturated fat, as well as trans fat and refined sugar, may help reduce inflammation in the body, according to StatPearls. Research shows systemic, or chronic, inflammation is associated with various diseases, from cancer and heart disease to neurodegenerative and autoimmune conditions.

7. Avocado for Mayonnaise

Steering clear of animal products doesn’t mean you have to enter a world of dry, boring sandwiches. Try trading mayo for avocado next time you make sandwiches or an egg salad. A tablespoon of calorie-dense mayonnaise offers virtually no carbs, fiber, or protein, per the USDA. Avocados, on the other hand, are packed with vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, carotenoids, and B, C, E, and K vitamins that are linked with a reduced risk of chronic diseases, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Avocados also offer satiating fiber, carbs, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, per the USDA, making them a nutritious and delicious substitute for mayo. Mash avocado to use in the place of mayonnaise as a condiment for your next sandwich, in chickpea salad, or delicious dip. Additional reporting by Elena Barrera.