“Apple cider vinegar is one of those common pantry staples that actually has a little bit of science behind the claims that it’s good for you,” says Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, an integrative and functional medicine dietitian and founder of Avocado Grove Nutrition and Wellness, based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. “It’s affordable and accessible, making it easy to try for most people.” Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples. The fermentation process turns the sugars of the apples into alcohol, which bacteria then convert into acetic acid. (3) The acetic acid and its nutritional profile are what give this vinegar a reputation for being healthy. (3) There are some limitations to that belief. “The effects are modest to trivial, and have very little science supporting them,” says David L. Katz, MD, MPH, founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut, and founder-president of True Health Initiative. “Mostly it’s about the perpetual hunt for a quick-fix rather than embracing the elements of a healthy lifestyle. Apple cider vinegar also comes with a few health concerns. “Apple cider vinegar is not safe for everyone, especially consumed at full strength,” Azzaro says. She suggests sticking to a 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon serving if you’re ingesting it. And be sure to dilute it first. Azzaro suggests mixing the vinegar in at least 8 ounces of water and only consuming it with a meal. “If your stomach burns or your teeth hurt, apple cider vinegar is not for you,” she says. Azzaro also says if you have sensitive skin you should be careful about applying it topically, which some people do to tap into the potential skin benefits. People with diabetes should also approach apple cider vinegar with caution and refrain from relying on it as their main treatment. (3) If you’re healthy and haven’t had a negative reaction in the past, you may decide to try apple cider vinegar. Be on the lookout for these negative side effects: Those people with type 1 diabetes (and people with type 2 on insulin), on the other hand, would be wise to approach apple cider vinegar with caution. One small study found taking vinegar daily decreased the rate of gastric emptying among insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic gastroparesis. (5) Delayed gastric emptying may make it difficult to control blood sugar, so it may lead to more low-blood-sugar episodes. (5) Regardless of which type of diabetes you have, check with your healthcare team if you want to add apple cider vinegar to your diet. That’s great if you’re trying to extend feelings of fullness and consume fewer calories during the day, but not great if you have gastroparesis, which is a disease that occurs when the stomach cannot empty itself in a normal way. (7) The University of Washington notes that this issue commonly occurs among people who have lived with diabetes for several years. (8) It’s especially important for people with diabetes and gastroparesis to monitor blood glucose levels regularly when consuming vinegar. (5) That’s just one more reason to consult your physician if you’re considering apple cider vinegar in your diabetes management plan. While it’s unclear how common these episodes are, many experts, including Dr. Katz and Michelle Jaelin, RD, president of Nutrition Artist in Ontario, Canada, still recommend diluting apple cider vinegar in water before drinking. “It is an acid and can damage the lining of the esophagus if taken straight like a shot,” Jaelin says. A study published in 2014 noted that acidic diets can lead to dental erosion. (13) Another earlier report said a person who drank a glass of apple cider vinegar each day in order to lose weight experienced tooth erosion. (14) Eroded tooth enamel can make your teeth more sensitive over time, Azzaro says. Again, a diluted form of apple cider vinegar should help here. Azzaro has another tip: “To protect your teeth, rinse out your mouth with plain water immediately after.” One study reported that a teenager tried to get rid of two moles on her nose by applying drops of apple cider vinegar directly to the area for three consecutive days. Though the moles did come off, the area where she applied the vinegar became extremely irritated with a chemical burn. (15) It’s a rare but ultimately possible side effect any time you put undiluted apple cider vinegar on the skin, which is why Nazanin Saedi, MD, a dermatologist and clinical associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, does not recommend putting it or any other highly acidic products on the face. They’re just too harsh, she says. Instead, avoid the DIY route altogether and choose a toner aimed at the specific problem you’re facing, such as salicylic acid to treat breakouts. (16)

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