It’s important to keep your skin hydrated, take whatever medication has been prescribed to you, and avoid triggers as best you can. But that’s not easy, and flare-ups can seem to come out of nowhere. RELATED: How Stress Can Trigger Eczema and How to Avoid a Flare-Up Yet you don’t have to wage this battle against eczema unarmed. There are devices and apps that can help you get better control over your skin. A handful of helpful ones are listed below. The Dyson AM10 Humidifier is one option. This model has received the Certified Asthma & Allergy Friendly seal from the Allergy Standards Limited (ASL) and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). Products with the seal are scientifically tested to meet strict standards for improving the air quality and health within a home, according to the certification program description. Certified humidifiers, in particular, are evaluated for their ability to maintain appropriate humidity levels, sanitize the water they use, and reduce preexisting contamination within a room. With that in mind, know that the Dyson AM10 Humidifier is designed to do more than simply hydrate the air around it. The manufacturers say it also kills 99.9 percent of bacteria in its water tank by exposing each drop of water to a UVC light. And so that the air doesn’t become too misty, the device also measures temperature and humidity and adjusts accordingly to create a comfortable environment. RELATED: A Detailed Guide to Treating Eczema

3. Eczema Tracker

  1. SkyMD Download it on the App Store, GooglePlay, or SkyMD. RELATED: How Is Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis Diagnosed?

5. iControl Eczema

This kid-friendly app allows your child with eczema to track how they feel each day using emoticons on a happiness scale, describe their skin-care regimen, add notes, snap photos of their skin, and then look at the trends over time. This information can be shown to a doctor. The app also allows kids to set reminders to moisturize. The creators hope this free app will leave kids feeling a bit more in control of a condition that can seem so out-of-control and uncomfortable. Download it on the App Store or GooglePlay.

6. Cara Care

Food allergies and intolerances can coexist with eczema, notes a study published in February 2019 in Science Translational Medicine. Some people will try an elimination diet under a doctor’s direction. That involves deciding which foods to eliminate, eliminating them, and then reintroducing them one by one in a way that allows you to gauge your reaction to each. The Cara Care app takes a similar approach to personal food-symptom tracking. You enter a host of information about what you eat and when, and what problems you are having. The app allows you to then discover patterns in what you eat and the occurrence of your symptoms. Although it is primarily intended for people with gastrointestinal issues, it also allows you to report on the condition of your skin. You can then use that information in consultation with your healthcare provider. Download it on the App Store or Google Play.