1. Hyperhidrosis Is Just Sweating — It’s Not a Big Deal

We all sweat, so it makes sense that some people sweat more than others, right? It’s true to a point, but this view diminishes how disruptive hyperhidrosis can be to your life. “People are told that ‘it’s just sweating,’ but it’s not just sweating,” says Jeffrey Port, MD, a thoracic surgeon who treats people with hyperhidrosis at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. “It gets to the point where it affects their quality of life. Young folks don’t go on dates; they’re stuck in jobs because they’re afraid of going on interviews; they change their shirt four times a day and do their best to avoid stressful situations.”

2. No One Else Understands What You’re Going Through

So many people understand. The International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHS) notes that 5 percent of the world’s population, something to the tune of 365 million people, deals with hyperhidrosis. You may think that hiding it is a struggle, but you probably have friends, acquaintances, and colleagues who likely know what you’re going through, too. RELATED: Are You Stressed? Signs to Know, and the Short- and Long-Term Effects

3. Excessive Sweating Is Your Fault

Hyperhidrosis is a real medical problem, and it’s, in part, genetic. This is not made up, and it’s not about you sweating a bit more than the average person, according to the IHS. “When I talk to people, they’re just not aware that this is considered a medical condition that can be treated,” says Tonyia Seeland, a physician assistant in plastic surgery at Ann Arbor–based Michigan Medicine who treats people living with hyperhidrosis. “They don’t know who they can talk to or where they can go for help. There’s this thought of ‘This is how I am, and I have to deal with it.’”

4. Hyperhidrosis Is the Result of Lacking Personal Hygiene

If you have hyperhidrosis, you may perform a lot of rituals to stay clean and dry, including changing your clothes or showering multiple times a day. One prevailing fear among people with this condition is that other people will think they’re dealing with excessive sweat because their hygiene practices aren’t up to par, says Seeland. Obviously, this is not true. Sweating has nothing to do with how clean you are. RELATED: When It Comes to Sweat, What’s Considered Normal?

5. If You Just Calm Down, You’ll Stop Sweating So Much

Stress is certainly a trigger for sweat. So it makes sense that you may be encouraged to practice relaxation techniques to get a handle on your symptoms. However, while stress and anxiety can and do make sweating worse, “hyperhidrosis is often out of your control. It’s not just about getting to a cool environment, taking off another layer, or deep breathing. These things will only help a little bit,” says New York City–based board-certified dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD. Bottom line: Hyperhidrosis is a physical condition — not a psychological one — so while de-stressing is important, it can only take you so far.

6. Antiperspirants Are the Solution for All Cases of Excessive Sweating

Using an antiperspirant, which contains aluminum to plug sweat ducts, per DermNet NZ, is a first-line therapy for hyperhidrosis, notes the journal U.S. Pharmacist. (People use these where they’re sweating, including on hands.) And trying an easy treatment like antiperspirant first makes complete sense. Some people have mild cases of hyperhidrosis, and topical therapies can control it well. But for more severe hyperhidrosis, antiperspirant probably won’t cut it. Dr. Port says you can tell which camp you fall into by considering the degree that sweating is affecting your life. Do you avoid certain social circumstances, like dating or shaking hands? Do you avoid talking to your boss and taking on assignments? “Patients with severe cases report that hyperhidrosis impacts their basic daily life activities,” he says. RELATED: 9 Ways to Help Hack Your Hyperhidrosis

7. The Only Problem in Hyperhidrosis Is Your Sweat Glands

There are two types of hyperhidrosis, according to the IHS: primary and secondary. Primary is a medical condition itself and affects specific body parts, like the hands, feet, underarms, face, or head. Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is sweating that’s caused by another medical problem (examples include thyroid disorders like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, gout, and diabetes) or a medication you’re taking; it shows up in larger areas of the body. And yet, in an October 2016 study in the journal Archives of Dermatological Research, half of people with hyperhidrosis hadn’t even seen a doctor, often because they didn’t think anything could be done. “Your first step is to get a good internal medical exam to know if there are underlying reasons for excessive sweating,” says Port.

8. Hyperhidrosis Is a Medical Problem That You Can Fix Yourself

It’s not up to you to figure out what’s causing your excessive sweating or how to treat it. “Many patients are told by friends and family that if they lost weight and went to the gym, they’d be fine, and that’s not true,” says Port. It may be tough to open up to your doctor, but it’s the first step in treatment. After an exam, they can refer you to a dermatologist who may consider options like Botox injections, medications, or surgery. RELATED: 8 Wardrobe Tips for People With Hyperhidrosis

9. Surgery Is Dangerous and Should Be Avoided as a Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Some people with hyperhidrosis may find success in lifestyle changes and antiperspirants, but if that’s not working, and other treatments aren’t either, you may consider endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). This minimally invasive surgical procedure involves intercepting the nerves connected to sweat glands. It’s best suited for people who have severe hyperhidrosis, especially in the hands. There’s a lot of scary info out there about the potential side effects of the procedure, but Port says that many of these complications can be avoided with the way the procedure is done today. Though doctors don’t recommend surgery as a first-line treatment, it is an option for you. “There is over a 90 percent satisfaction rate for people who get surgery to treat hyperhidrosis on the hands,” Port says.

10. There’s No Helping Hyperhidrosis — You’ll Always Be Like This

There are so many good things in store for you. “When you [treat] a patient’s hyperhidrosis, they become a different person,” says Port. “They talk about taking vacations to hot places like Miami for the first time and wearing dark clothing. They have their confidence back.” RELATED: 12 Memes Only People With Hyperhidrosis Will Understand